Purr-ceiving Pets’ Wisdom

Published: Mon, 05/16/16

Pet Tips 'n' Tales
Dr. Richard Benson and his rescue kitty, NaLani. “Much of my adult life I’ve spent playing with our kitty cats,” says Richard. “Much of the rest, I’ve just wasted.”
Purr-ceiving Pets’ Wisdom
“How you treat your animals is generally how you see yourself,” said inspirational speaker Dr. Richard Benson. “Animal lovers understand that animals have many God-like qualities: they're non-judgmental; don't compare you to others; accept and love you regardless.

My wife, Debbie, and I have had many cat children and we’ve never heard them say, ‘Hey! The neighbor’s cat gets salmon and we don't,’ or ‘They live in a 5,800 square foot home and look what we're living in,’ or ‘I see their pet going for rides in their Lexus and look what you're driving!’ They don't compare you to others. They love you the way you are, regardless of what you have - or don't have.

Humans wear masks and armor so hurtful things don’t penetrate their hearts, souls and spirits. With an animal, we can leave our armor at the door, because they accept us in spite of our purr-ceived faults. Our cats consistently display unconditional love, which is an important lesson.

When Debbie and I married, we had no money and six more years of college. We held off on having children, but decided to adopt a kitty cat, Scamper, surmising that a cat was more affordable than a dog.

Scamper grew into a wonderful cat. She was a blessing that arrived into our lives with love. If humans were going to clone an animal for heart opening purr-poses, Scamper would be the one to clone. For 16 years, she slept beside our heads. It was comforting when we woke up to pet her and listen to her purr.

While attending Chiropractic College, we learned that being in the presence of loving pets dramatically increases one’s immunity and decreases blood pressure.

A cat purrs between 20-140 Hertz, which is the therapeutic vibration range for many illnesses, and it also helps heal broken bones and soft tissues injuries.

I'm sure Scamper added to my longevity . . . she followed me everywhere. If I was scrubbing the shower, she'd be standing next to me.  Or, if I was burning a brush pile, she'd ‘hang out’ with me.

Scamper was a philosopher, who taught that the more naps you take, the more awakenings you will experience. And she was right!

She was always in the now; another wonderful lesson for humans to learn from animals. When we walked around our property, she was never thinking about whether there would be food in the food bowl, fresh drinking water, or a clean cat box. She was completely focused on enjoying the moment.

Cats also teach ‘not to take life so seriously’ and they convey freedom from worry.

While building my practice, I would come home worried over things. Scamper always sensed when I was upset. She would hop into my lap, and look at me as if to say, ‘Just take it easy. This stuff really doesn't matter.’

Another comforting thing that Scamper taught me regarding 'stress-mode' is ‘If you claw your way to the top, you still have to climb down.’

Scamper was not much of a hunter, but she did have some instincts. I remember the one and only bird she ‘caught’.

I heard the unmistakable ‘thunk’ on the window a bird makes when it hits it. I went out to check on the bird, because often if you hold it, or place it into a shoe box to warm it up, it gets over its shock,  perks up, and flies away.

Scamper was napping right where the bird landed! Her excited facial expression said, "Thank you, God!"  She didn't know what to do with the bird, but she was thankful for it.
Scamper ‘hunted’ my desk pens. At night, she’d ‘catch’ a pen and carry it to our bedroom while we were sleeping. She’d announce her ‘catch’ with a high-pitched meow, like after a cat has caught a mouse, and wake us up. She wasn’t a ‘real’ hunter, but she was teaching us to just be who we are, which is an excellent quality to be proud of and express.

Scamper also excelled at forgiveness. If we accidentally stepped on her tail, 30 seconds later she was up purring in our laps. She forgave just like that; another great example!

All the cats we've had have allowed me to express the child in me. When I act childish in the presence of our cats, none of them say, ‘Hey! Act like an adult, not like an eight-year-old.’ Cats  accept me as I am, making it is easy to relate soul to soul with them.

Cats are absolute masters of joy and fun, clearly an expression of their authentic self. Another good lesson for us: the more joy, the more fun, the more connected to Source we are.”
“Watch kittens and behave more like them,” advises Dr. Benson. “Be joyful and playful. Look for touchstones of joy and love and nuggets of excitement, anticipation and appreciation - everywhere! Don't let a day go by without letting those closest to you know that you love them and care about them. Be the purrs-on your cat sees you as.”

“I have been enjoying Pet Tips ‘n’ Tales for ten years. When Angel Scribe ran the article on her ‘cat castle catio,’” said Richard, “I was inspired, so I built one for our three cats’ health, safety and enjoyment.”

Has your pet inspired you or supported you? Tell Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe" and Myster E.! Readers want to hear your story! 
 John Smith

Famous Felines
Mary Ellen's Silver Persians swam their way into readers and viewer's hearts! They have appeared in International magazines and newspapers around the world. (France, England, Canada, China, Germany, USA, etc.)

Also, several National and International TV shows featured the swimming felines teaching pet-water-safety. And their furry faces appeared on a line of shirts.

Pet Tips 'n' Tales, has appeared in Oregon's "The Cottage Grove Sentinel" for 10 years.

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Angel Scribe,
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Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424