Senior Love Affair

Published: Mon, 06/06/16

Pet Tips 'n' Tales
Photo courtesy of Courtney Freitas
The plight of this gentle-loving couple, Boopsy and Betty, is not unusual.  May their tale inspire others to help pets in their situation - and them.
Senior Love Affair
Many people want a puppy or kitten, but if you are a senior have you considered what will happen to your young pet if you have an emergency hospital stay, enter an assisted living center or pass on?

Don’t “assume” that your pets will move in with relatives. Many family members already have a house full of pets, or our relatives pass before we do, or they live in a pet prohibited building.  What to do?  Plan for a future home for your pet and include this information in your will.  This way your pets won’t end up homeless and leave humans scrambling to help them.

“I love my mother,” began Scott, “but she was not a warm cuddly person.  We never had a pet growing up because she admitted to not being an ‘animal person’, hating pets and not giving them the time of day.

Then after 40 years of marriage and a divorce she found herself alone for the first time in her life.  Having married at the age of 18 she was not used to being the only one at home.  As we watched her sink into depression, we suggested the companionship of a cat. We encouraged her to not get a kitten, but instead an older kitty. Shortly after Betty appeared on scene, Mom experienced comfort that she had never experienced before.

My rather cold mother instantly fell in love with Betty.  None of her children could believe the transformation!  Mom’s loneliness and depression lifted. She once again had someone to take care of and entertain her.

The cat was also a wonderful topic of conversation on our phone calls and visits.  Mom’s tough exterior melted, it was amazing how the cat revealed the kindness that was hidden in her heart. An Angel cat!

My mother’s motto was ‘If one is good, two is better’, so she adopted and loved another kitty, Boopsy.  On our visits, it was heartwarming to see one cat each on my mother and her sister’s laps.  The cats were willing to share their love with both ladies.

When Mom entered the care center we began calling shelters for her now eight-year-old kitties. After hearing how overwhelmed and full they were, my wife, Anika, and I would mail them a donation in my mother’s name before calling another shelter. 

Now we are reaching out to your kind hearts.  We have heard the horror stories of “Free” pets ending up as dog fighting bait, alligator or snake food, or experimental pets at labs.  Because of this, we are committed to finding a good home for the cats who love my mother.

We are so committed to these felines’ future that we have our life on hold until they find the  loving home they deserve - together.

Three times, each week, Anika and I make the hour’s drive over to play with the cats.  Two caretakers feed them daily.  We won’t sell Mom’s and the cats’ home until her beloved pets are rehomed.

Betty (female) and Boopsy (male) are gentle and affectionate lap kitties.  They are playful, quiet, trained, and have never been a problem. They respect FUR-niture, use their scratching post and love sleeping ‘with their people’.  Because they are mature they are ‘chilled’, never mess the house, and are relaxed. Boopsy's favorite sport is ball chasing.  The cats have never been outside. They are totally normal (wonderful) inside cats who have a long healthy life ahead of them. They are not shy and are curious about strangers.

Now, when we visit Mum at the Alzheimer’s home, she rarely responds to anything.  She can’t remember her 40 year marriage or her grandchildren.  But when we mention her cats she lights up for a few minutes with emotion and interest remembering the angel cats who changed her life.

My wife and I make a lifetime commitment to the pets we adopt, because they are family.  Anika was sharing our ‘kitty dilemma’ with a friend and her friend said, ‘But this is not your responsibility or problem.’

Anika responded, ‘We inherited this commitment and won’t give up on these cats.’ And we won’t!

This inseparable cat-couple should be adopted together as one would be heart broken without the other. Hey, take two, they're small!"

It does not matter where in the world you live.  The cats can travel. If interested in this couple of love birds send your purr-sonal references and vet approval to Scott at:
“There are loving older animals everywhere,” said Janetta Overholser, president of The Humane Society of Cottage Grove, “who need a quiet home.  Their love comes in senior packaging and it enjoys cuddles and comes with manners. Some shelters have a senior pet room. Check out their purr-fect pets!”

Vancouver, B.C. Tips ‘n’ Tales reader Christine writes, “I provided for my dog, Dolly, in my Will.  Two friends agreed to care for her, and I have provided the $$ for her upkeep until her death.”
Angel Scribe Confession!
Our family was a “kitten only” adopter, until our we fostered elderly Persians for the Humane Society.  Now, we purr-fur the older cats.  Their purrs-onalities are developed, they love laps and are appreciative that you saved their lives...and they demonstrate this through their respect and love for you. It is rewarding to adopt a “not so cute” but “full of love” pet!
Cottage Grove's Bark Park!
Follow our new Bark Park's progress and add photos/comments/donations or volunteer.
 John Smith

Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe", Myster E. and readers want to hear your pet's story!                         
Famous Felines
Mary Ellen's Silver Persians swam their way into readers and viewer's hearts! They have appeared in International magazines and newspapers around the world. (France, England, Canada, China, Germany, USA, etc.)

Also, several National and International TV shows featured the swimming felines teaching pet-water-safety. And their furry faces appeared on a line of shirts.

Pet Tips 'n' Tales, has appeared in Oregon's "The Cottage Grove Sentinel" for 11 years.

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Angel Scribe,
PO Box 1004,
Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424