Mary Ellen ^i^ has a broken wing

Published: Fri, 08/12/16

Before and After!  Oops! Ouch!
It was a super fun day for my grandson and me riding in the annual Children's parade. 

It was his first time on the child's bike seat that I had saved for thirty years!  I used to ride his mother on the seat, for miles and miles, on daily "cat patrols" scouting out our small town's kitty population.

After the parade, we headed home and had a "bike malfunction".  The bike stopped suddenly as we were happily sailing along.

In 60 years of riding, I have only fallen off once with only a few scrapes.

This time, I put my right arm out to break our fall ... and promptly broke my hand, arm, and elbow!

Because of the child's seat position, I circled my left arm around my grandson and buffered him from our "landing".  He was unhurt.

I began to faint, so I moved to the curb and lay in the empty road.  My grandson ran up and down the side walk looking for bugs.

Two female teens, both baby sitting, pushing strollers, stopped and asked if they could help.

One ran home and brought her mother back who phoned my paramedic daughter and husband.

They arrived to see to a gaggle of the neighbors around me.

A kind person had placed a large umbrella over me for protection from the 90' day and my grandson was now squatting under the umbrella next to my head.

My daughter instantly knew I had hit my head and broken my arm.

Thank goodness for wearing a helmet.  Years ago, she insisted I wear one because she had seen the devastating results arriving at bike accidents on ambulance calls.

The helmet was so worth wearing! Please wear yours! I need a new one as the old one was damaged, preventing a concussion!

I am grateful for all the bone soup I had eaten to strengthen my bones! The bones did not shatter.  They broke clean through and did not displace!

Healing is happening with homeopathy, herbal bone knitting teas, cell salts, and nerve rejuvenating herbs.

I will not be posting newsletters for a few weeks!  It is hard to clap, type, and cut food with one arm after "Grandma's Adventure!".

Hoping your summer is going well.

We have many blessings to count in our lives!
Angelic blessings to you and your loved ones,
Mary Ellen ^I^
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