Finian’s Baby Girl

Published: Mon, 04/10/17

Pet Tips 'n' Tales
Miss Finian, named after an Irish saint, demonstrates the patience of a saint with both “her” toddler and pet parent, who dress her up for Easter out of their “dress-up” box!
Finian’s Baby Girl
Finian’s pet parents fell in love with her the minute they saw her romping with her litter mates. A combination of her playful eyes and her happy bounce had them at, “Awwww”. Her future traits of intelligence, loyalty and a gentle demeanor where already visible behind those baby brown eyes.

Seven months later Finian’s human parents added onto their family.  At first, Finian was not too sure what to make out of the baby girl - and all its noise!

The dog was a tad jealous that all “her” attention was being focused elsewhere. A few weeks later things began to change with the weather and her walks resumed.

The walks started out with a squalling baby, but ended up being longer than normal - much to Finian’s joy. The formula was dog + baby = long walk until the baby is asleep.

Finian thought, “Hey! This baby thing is going to work out after all!” She knew that if the baby “needed” walking, then it was going to be a good outside sniff and stroll day. Finian began falling in love with “her” baby.

Finian was the paw-verbial nanny.  When the baby cried, she ran to “retrieve” mom or over to the baby to check on her herself.  To soothe the baby, Finian was seen to give the little one a little kiss.

As her baby grew, Finian, showed the patience of a saint. She sat immobile as the little one yelled in her ear, or grabbed at her tail, or flopped over her back for a hug. But booping her nose was not allowed and resulted in quick relocation from the infant.

Now that “her” toddler is three, the little girl treats Finian like a celebrity from Sesame Street!

After a nap, or as Finian walks back into the house from her outside duties, the toddler laughs and yells “Fini” with giggles and glee.

The baby’s first two words were mama and dada, but her third was “Fini”, which she joyfully repeats over and over, about a babble-zillion times a day! Having a dog has taught the toddler how to love another and how to be gentle with them.

Fini is a good teacher! She, like dogs since the beginning of time, not only nurture their loved ones, she demonstrates unconditional love and loyalty. This bond runs so deep that it explains why people chose to remain behind in dangerous weather conditions, like hurricanes, to protect their pet. It is difficult to leave a family member behind and helpless, so the pet parents stay to comfort their pets. Pets are an important part of our families. Having Finian demonstrates to her toddler that a pet deserves the same love and respect as all family member.

Finian is taller and weighs more than the toddler. So play time can be accidentally-hectic with a tail wagging bump to the floor for the child. This is a good life lesson that life has its bumps, but we must get up again, and learn to play and laugh again.

Finian has discovered a new use for her toddler. The child can toss a ball, not too far, but Finian still has that puppy bounce as she goes after it and brings it back to her pleased pitcher.

We have all seen a child and canine connection like these two. It is heartwarming to witness and watch them smile at each other or hear the child break into spontaneous laughter at something they telepathically understand.

And just like Forest Gump and his son, the sight of a toddler on her favorite “blankie” with her head on her dog watching TV - well, it makes all our hearts smile. And Finian can’t rest on his laurels for too long, as the family’s newest addition, a baby boy, is due in three months!
Parents prepare their pets for the arrival of their newborn by sending home a blanket the baby has slept on for the pet to sniff.

Angel Scribe’s daughter, Ariel, includes her pets’ names in the nursery rhymes she sings to them all. The dogs, cats, and babies love the special attention.

“We include the children in our doggy-walks,” said Ariel “so the dogs learn that the kiddos are part of our pack. Mostly, when you bring home babies, the pets are trying to figure out the pecking order and if their feeding time will be changed, because they all lose interest in the baby after their first sniff or two.”

- Place double-stick tape on top of the baby's crib railings to prevent dogs from leaning on them.
- Neuter and spay pets to prevent/reduce possible aggression.
- Prior to baby's arrival, practice the "leave it" and "drop it" commands for those "helpful" dogs who love to "clean up" after baby has dropped toys, pacifier, etc.
- Keep diaper pail lids securely closed and away from any curious canine "clean up crew"!

Just like babies, it is important to know what food our pets are consuming. Pet food advocate, Susan, writes, "It's one thing if a canned pet food is a meat loaf type, but it is another if a pet food looks like meat chunks and gravy – and the meat is fabricated…fake meat! Read ingredients! Pet food companies are not required to list if the meat is REAL or FAKE!" Info:

Tell us what your crazy pet does?
 John Smith

Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe", Myster E. want to hear what your crazy pet does!
Famous Felines
Mary Ellen's Silver Persians swam their way into readers and viewer's hearts! They have appeared in International magazines and newspapers around the world. (France, England, Canada, China, Germany, USA, etc.)

Also, several National and International TV shows featured the swimming felines teaching pet-water-safety. And their furry faces appeared on a line of shirts.

Pet Tips 'n' Tales, has appeared in Oregon's "The Cottage Grove Sentinel" for 12 years.

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Angel Scribe,
PO Box 1004,
Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424