Published: Mon, 10/31/16

Pet Tips 'n' Tales
Photo by Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe"
Halloween is a fun time for children, adults and their pets to celebrate dress up!
International mystic Atira was born with the gift of second sight and telepathic communication with animals. As a child, angels hovered above her crib, just like a ‘baby’ Cinderella in the children’s storybook.

Atira has always loved being surrounded by animals. Her mother raised Red Setters and their dog, Jessie, was featured in the Disney movie “Big Red”.

When Atira was five-years-old her “invisible friend” alerted her to an animal in distress, so she followed him to the “far side” of their farm, where she found a baby bunny “stuck” in their wire fence.  She gently released the uninjured animal.

Today, Atira has Boo and Missy Mystic, who are Blue Persians with the cutest purr-sonalities.

I have met both amazing kitties. Little six pound Mystic is unusually verbal with the most beautiful meow.  She uses her voice, like a musical instrument, trilling it rhythmically making your heart sing with her musical-meows.  She even holds a conversation, answering in trills and cat-chitter-chat.

When I phone Atira, she puts me on speaker phone and the minute Mystic hears my voice, she runs towards the phone and “asks to talk to me”.

Little Mystic loves music, when Atira, who also loves music, sings or listens to her favorite songs, the kitty sings along.  I know cats, have heard hundreds meow, and Mystic’s beautiful voice is definitely mystically magical!

Boo’s favorite pastime is playing the game “peek-a-boo” with any willing human.  He also plays it with Mystic by popping up behind things to scare her. Boo did not get his name from being scary, because he is as cute as a button, or from Halloween, but because he has the spirit of a toddler and was named after his favorite game.

Boo is ten and Mystic is six-years-old. They have a sweet relationship playing and cat napping curled up into one big-grey-fluff ball.

They spend hours watching kitty TV at “their” bird feeders. The feeders are covered by feathery entertainers, all day long, much to the cats delight.

“Cats are very intuitive,” said Atira, “and they sense spirits around us.  Cats’ ears rotate like radar towers as they gaze at spirit.  Cats will see and feel a spirit’s loving presence before we do. They are not scared.  They make an alert kitty sound, and their back fur bristles up like our arm hairs do when someone we love, who has passed, is close to us.

After my previous Persian, Mushy, died I was devastated.  One night, I felt a cat jump up on my bed, denting the coverlet, leaving paw prints. And clear as a bell, I heard an unusual purr. At the time, Boo was in the living room.

I telepathically heard my deceased cat say, “I am going to send you another baby.” A week later, Mary Ellen told me about some Persian kittens and I knew that one of them was mine.”

Upon arriving, Mystic walked right up to Atira, purring with that unusual purr Atira had purr-eviously heard.

Atira’s special gift can even startle her!  She was reading in Virginia Beach at the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) convention when a spirit horse poked his head through her hotel room’s wall!

She could clearly see his breed, color, eyes etc. Not knowing anyone with a horse, or why one was “visiting” her, she asked what he wanted.

“My back right leg is injured,” said the horse, “I need the second vet’s help. He knows what the problem is, not the first one my owner took me to.”

Three days later, the horse showed up next to one of Atira’s clients. So, Atira asked the woman if she had a horse. The client said, “Yes. I raise horses.” When Atira asked the woman  where she was staying, she said, “The room beside yours.” So the horse’s message was successfully relayed to the woman.

“Once our animals pass,” said Atira, “they are always with us in spirit. There is no separation; our binding tie is love.  When we transcend, all the animals and people we ever loved are there to meet and greet us.”
“Playing with your cats is fun,” said Atira, “and it helps lower blood pressure. My cats’ favorite toy is their Da’Bird.  They jump high after the singing feathers, doing back flips, and making us laugh.  The cats can do it for an hour, so I consider this my arm exercise for the day!  Play time bonds us together.  They love it, and so do I.

Persian are notorious for eye ulcers if you don’t keep their eyes clean.  I use holistic eye drops to flush their eyes. 

I brush my cats twice a day to keep static electricity from tangling their fur.  They prefer the plastic combs and brushes, which are gentle on their skin.  Also, a fine toothed flea comb  catches fleas in their thick coat.  I wipe their saliva off their fur with a micro fiber cloth and sometimes add a teaspoon of vinegar to the wet cloth to ward off fleas. (Fleas don’t like the smell.)

Now, my cats thinks I am their personal hair dresser, errr fur dresser.”
 John Smith

Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe", Myster E. want to hear your pet's funny or heart warming story!                         
Famous Felines
Mary Ellen's Silver Persians swam their way into readers and viewer's hearts! They have appeared in International magazines and newspapers around the world. (France, England, Canada, China, Germany, USA, etc.)

Also, several National and International TV shows featured the swimming felines teaching pet-water-safety. And their furry faces appeared on a line of shirts.

Pet Tips 'n' Tales, has appeared in Oregon's "The Cottage Grove Sentinel" for 12 years.

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Angel Scribe,
PO Box 1004,
Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424