Cat’s Amazing Journey!

Published: Mon, 12/26/16

Pet Tips 'n' Tales
Karen’s 16-year-old cat’s story is based on the, “Are you kidding?” factor!
Cat’s Amazing Journey!
Last March, country girl, Karen, and her feral-rescue kitty, Sunny, moved into Cottage Grove, downsizing to a smaller home and yard. Sunny was used to roaming along a mountain river exploring a myriad of fascinating things. After the cat’s adventures, she would happily return home to eat and sleep in her favorite spot.

On moving day, Karen and her husband were optimistic about their new lifestyle choice. Then things took a turn for the worse! 

To acclimate 16 year old Sunny to “her” new home, they let her freely explore inside the home and garage. But one day, Sunny managed to wiggle under the garage’s door.

Karen’s heart was broken and she wondered, “Honestly, this can’t be this cat’s destiny! How can a partially deaf, blind, and ancient kitty survive?”  And Karen felt guilty knowing that the cat was not familiar with her new home’s location and city life.  “I cried harder over her disappearance than when I lost some relatives,” admitted Karen. “It is amazing how deeply we care for our ‘family’ of pets.”

“I intuitively felt that Sunny was alive,” said Karen, “but as the days, weeks, and months rolled by my husband told me to give up on her. He reasoned that, ‘She is a country girl, a wild kitty and probably happier on her own.’ I just knew she was alive, and wanted to come ‘home’, so I asked that if it was God's will she would find her way home.”

After two and a half months, even Karen’s friends were trying to convince her that Sunny wasn't coming home. 

“I couldn't give up on her,” said Karen. “She's been a good friend. So I kept on searching and  asking neighbors if they’d seen her. I thought I saw her by the river, but the cat wouldn't come to me. Hoping it was her, I took her favorite soft food and flicked little drops of it, like Hansel and Gretel in the nursery rhyme, making my way home.”

Then, the evening of July 12th a miracle took place. Sunny walked back under their garage door and strolled into the house “like nothing was wrong”.

But the poor kitty was skin and bones!

Karen visited the Humane Society’s “This ‘n That Shop”, on 8th Street, and asked them “What do you do for your rescued starving kitties.” They gave her wonderful suggestions and she started in on them right away.

Today, Sunny appears more relaxed and content than before she was lost. She appreciates having water and food at her beck and call. Over the last several months, the kitty has regained her muscle tone and Karen and Greg are hoping that Sunny finishes off her life with no more drama.

Today Sunny crawls in Karen’s lap and takes in every drop of love.  And after 16 years, their once quiet kitty, has found her voice and everyone’s best guess is that Sunny is saying “Thank you”.
“The helpful tips that ladies at the Humane Society shop,” said Karen, “were so appreciated.  Thank you to the volunteers who run the store to help pets.  Here are a few of their tips:

- Organic beef bone soup broth. Administer with an eye dropper to gently nourish the pet.
- “No flavor” children’s Pedialyte and warm water in the side of their mouth to hydrate them.
- Rescue Remedy.
- Only warm food.
- A warmed flax seed bag/hot water bottle next to them to help them improve their body’s temperature.
- Check on internet for reviving a dehydrated or starved pet.
- Keep pet quiet.
- Take them to a vet for a welfare checkup.

“Thank you for writing about our cat’s journey,” said Karen, “I can't wait to read it to her!”
“Mary Ellen, I saw your swimming  cats on YouTube,” said Susan in Vancouver, Canada. “My precious cat, Sammy, drowned in our neighbor’s next pool, so I really appreciate your water safety video.”

To rid your home of fleas; put a plate of water, with a cap of dish soap in it, on the floor. Place a lit tea candle in the middle of the plate. (Or place a lamp close to the dish.) Fleas are attracted to the light and when they jump towards the light, they fall in the soapy water and drown. For safety, only do this when you are in the room and stay awake! You may need to do this for a few days to trap all the hatching fleas. Keep pets and children out of the “flea trap” room.

Disclaimer: This article, based on personal experience, is for informational purposes only and is not intended to prescribe, treat, diagnose or cure.   Always consult your Veterinarian.
 John Smith

Tell Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe", Myster E. and readers your pet's story!                         
Famous Felines
Mary Ellen's Silver Persians swam their way into readers and viewer's hearts! They have appeared in International magazines and newspapers around the world. (France, England, Canada, China, Germany, USA, etc.)

Also, several National and International TV shows featured the swimming felines teaching pet-water-safety. And their furry faces appeared on a line of shirts.

Pet Tips 'n' Tales, has appeared in Oregon's "The Cottage Grove Sentinel" for 12 years.

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Angel Scribe,
PO Box 1004,
Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424