Standing in The Light!

Published: Mon, 11/28/16

Pet Tips 'n' Tales
Cindy cuddles Miss “P”, the Persian kitty who ‘stood out’ one freezing winter’s night waiting for a ride “home”.
Standing in The Light!
Cindy is famous for several things! She was mayor of an Oregon town, and she was the proud parent of Mr. Wings, the husband and father of Mary Ellen “Angel Scribe’s” famous swimming cats!

“It was an honor to have Mr. Wings,” said Cindy. “He came from a breeder who mistreated him and his life was limited to one small and smelly room. The minute I saw him, I felt an instant bond and not just because his white fur looked like my hair!

I was so happy to have him; he was a beautiful Silver Persian and just needed someone to love him. When I came home tired from work, he was a comfort looking up at me with his gorgeous green eyes.”

It is amazing how Mr. Wings, a rescued and once caged adult cat, adjusted to riding in a car. Cindy traveled back and forth from Idaho to Oregon, and so did a proud Mr. Wings riding on top of her luggage.

“We had a great life together until his passing,” said Cindy. “He seemed to enjoy the drive’s scenery as much as I did.”

When Cindy was in Wallace, Idaho, she went to see a play and after the purr-formance, because everyone looked like they were having so much fun, she asked, “How can someone get involved in your group?”

Miraculously, there was an audition the next day for a Lawrence Welk musical tribute. Cindy was thrilled! The show would be purr-fect because she grew up with his music, her hair would (once again) be a perfect fit for the time period, and she had purr-eviously sung in a country and western band.

“Audition day was one of God’s many graces,” said Cindy.  “I was the only one who showed for the audition. I had not sung in a long time, so I was nervous and feared rejection, but things went smoothly. The director took my hand, making me feel safe and loved, and she asked me to sing, God Bless America. I enthusiastically flung my arms open wide and sang!

It was a life changing moment. They ‘hired’ me on the spot! And from this experience I decided to never be afraid again!”

One freezing night, just before Christmas and after her rehearsal, Cindy was surprised to see a beautiful cat sitting beside the road like it was waiting for a bus. 

Cindy wondered, “Why was the cat there? This is right downtown, no homes around,” and she decided that if the Persian was still there after practice, she would rescue it.  After practice, there was “her” cat, sitting directly under the street light like it was trying to be seen - or waiting for that invisible cat bus.

“I stopped the car,” said Cindy, “expecting the cat to dash off, but instead, when I called across the freezing 40 feet between us, she ran as fast as she could directly to me. I tell you, that kitty was waiting to be seen and saved!”

Cindy never thought of her other two other cats or dog at home, only of saving the suffering cat. Once home, the staving stray marched over to her kitchen waste basket, tipped it over, and began digging for something to eat. (obviously not liking her cats’ brand of cat food!)

“I named her Sweet Pea,” said Cindy, “‘P’ for short. My other cats slunk into the room, watching ‘P’ like she was ‘crazy’. But, that did not stop them from investigating the tipped garbage. 

I cut up some chicken and ‘P’ devoured it like a shark.  I ate my dinner on the couch and each night “P” sat beside me.  She used her paw to cup up my food, at lightning speed, and eat it.  After a few days, I gave her-her own plate so I did not have to have kitty paws in my food.

The three cats quickly blended into a copasetic fur-family, and they all love their brother dog, Peanut.

Rescue animals find me. When I decided to adopt a dog, I wanted a free one, so I prayed about it, and kept on the look out. When I saw a five inch newspaper ad looking for a home for a dog, I just knew he was mine.

The Lord reminded me that my pets usually arrive sight unseen, and they are a perfect fit. Peanut’s parents handed me his leash and he instantly loved me.  He had been with cats and worked easily into our kitty home; he walked in and never even looked at the cats.

Over our marriage, my husband, Nick, has put up with all my stray rescues. When the animals first arrive, Nick gets his dander up, but then he turns into the best cat/dog daddy you’ve ever seen. Each pet soon becomes his ‘favorite’ and he ‘can’t live without it’. Therefore, I tell him that every one I bring home, I am doing him a favor!”
Hair Raising information!
Have you found hair in your pet’s kibble?
 John Smith

Tell Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe", Myster E. about your pet's miraculous arrival!                         
Famous Felines
Mary Ellen's Silver Persians swam their way into readers and viewer's hearts! They have appeared in International magazines and newspapers around the world. (France, England, Canada, China, Germany, USA, etc.)

Also, several National and International TV shows featured the swimming felines teaching pet-water-safety. And their furry faces appeared on a line of shirts.

Pet Tips 'n' Tales, has appeared in Oregon's "The Cottage Grove Sentinel" for 10 years.

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Angel Scribe,
PO Box 1004,
Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424