Bark Park Miracle!

Published: Mon, 11/21/16

Angel Scribe
photo by Mr. Angel Scribe
Expect Miracles this holiday season! Mary Ellen’s “pet” necklace went missing at the dog park. How it found it’s way home was a miracle!  Most readers would enjoy seeing my "purr-ecious" jewel, Whyspurr, more than a necklace, so here she is!
Bark Park Miracle!
Dear Angel Scribe readers,

Here is the miracle for my Oregon pet newspaper column.  If you want to receive fur-ther pet stories, please sign up at facebook or the e-newsletter at the end of this one.
ME ^I^

One dark and stormy night after I had walked miles; back and forth at Vancouver’s Ambleside dog park, into two nursing homes, through seven stores (and their busy parking lots), and from my friend’s on Hope Street, (yes, the real name!) to a restaurant.

At the restaurant, I discovered that my twenty-year-old “pet” necklace, a gemstone pendant had fallen off somewhere between 9:00 am and 7:00 pm, making finding the treasure a challenge. Trusting a stranger to return it was based on "HOPE" and a miracle.

Often when bad things happen, they herald in good things. Waiting patiently to see, "What God has up Her/His sleeve" is the difficult part. I remained unusually calm, in this zen zone. Even my girlfriend, Atira, was surprised at my reaction over the irreplaceable piece.

When I bought the pendant from its designer, Shankari, Atira said, "This piece is blessed by the Angels for you." That night she added, "Don't see it as lost. Nothing is lost to God."
It oddly felt that after the necklace's unexpected “mystery vacation” it would return carrying an amazing story in its tiny suitcase. Boy! Was I right!

With the necklace's current "invisible status", it was up to me to generate its ticket home. The police, located at the dog park's entrance, were notified. The “lost” was post on Craigslist and the "Angels and Miracles Global Prayer Team", lime green “LOST” signs were created, and all the establishments where it might paws-ibly be hiding were contacted.

Early the next morning I returned to the bark park to post the LOST notices. I had a hopeful heart because hundreds of caring people and their canines walk the busy Canadian beach.

Positioned at opposite ends of the park are 4' x 8' bulletin boards with pet notices on both sides of each board.

As I raised my hand to tack in the first LOST sign, it was “gently guided” past rain-soaked notices to the far side of the board. My hand stopped next to an old bent rusty nail. I gasped unbelieving in shock and awe!
The sparkling pendant was hanging on it! I reached for the “found” treasure and cradled it in my hand.  Then, in a moment of gratitude, I thanked the Angels and all those who had prayed for its safe return.

I had forgotten my cell phone making it im-paws-ible to share the fabulous news with family and friends. I was going to explode with excitement if I did not share the incredible story about hundreds of honest dog walkers' integrity with another purr-son, so I walked off the beach over to a woman texting in her car.

I tapped on her car’s window and opened my hand revealing the bejeweled pendant. She gasped and jumped from her car exclaiming, "I am THE ONE who put it on the bulletin board," Insert --- spooky music --- "at 11:30 am yesterday!" Hours after I left the park!

There are a skazillion and four people in the world! What are the odds of walking up to the "FOUND-er"?

When Cathrine and her walking buddy, Lisa, discovered the pendant in the sand, Cathrine recognized that it was crafted from the designer, Shankari, that she admires.

"Lisa questioned me about leaving the pendant on the nail," said Cathrine, "But I responded that ‘I would not want that thief's karma’! I felt that it would be ‘safe' for its owner to find."

It was a miracle finding the pendant, but other synchronicities are just as baffling.

First, I am barely awake at 7:30 am and certainly not out walking or looking for two miracles before 8:00 am:
1. The pendant and
2. The person to thank for locating it.

And HOW had Cathrine found the pendant nestled in the sand, and how had it survived on that rusty nail, in plain sight, for twenty hours in front of hundreds of people and a myriad of keen eyed-shiny-seeking crows nestled in the trees?! Answer: Honest people and protected by prayer and angels!

Cathrine felt the same way, "My dog, Lucy, and I'm NEVER at the park that early! Serendipity certainly was at play! First, yesterday, to find the missing jewelry, then to Mary Ellen's and my unexpected encounter today.”

She never thought it paws-ible to be thanked or hugged for finding the pendant, since she anonymously placed it on the rusty nail.

This experience illustrates the power of positive thinking, that what you put out comes back, and some times you can't sit around waiting for a miracle - you have to help make things happen. 

It is amazing how, when we let God play out a situation, the results are far better than anything we could have planned, hoped, or imagined. This precious necklace is indeed Blessed by the Angels and I wear it knowing this.

The next day, I was at the beach again and saw a man using a metal detector "treasure hunting"!  If he had found the pendant, he would have pocketed it thinking, "Today, is a good day!" Thank goodness Cathrine found the pendant first!

This crow stole the shiny knife from a crime scene!
Patty, an "Angels and Miracles Global Prayer Team" member wrote, "St. Anthony works wonders in finding things.  Say his prayer: Dear St. Anthony, Please come down, something is lost and can't be found."
 John Smith

Tell Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe" and Myster E. your pet's story!                         
Famous Felines
Mary Ellen's Silver Persians swam their way into readers and viewer's hearts! They have appeared in International magazines and newspapers around the world. (France, England, Canada, China, Germany, USA, etc.)

Also, several National and International TV shows featured the swimming felines teaching pet-water-safety. And their furry faces appeared on a line of shirts.

Pet Tips 'n' Tales, has appeared in Oregon's "The Cottage Grove Sentinel" for 12 years.

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Angel Scribe,
PO Box 1004,
Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424