Dogs See An Angel!

Published: Mon, 01/02/17

Pet Tips 'n' Tales
Photo by Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe"
Colleen and her dogs stand on the exact spot their miracle happened as she recounts the day they ran into an Angel!
Dogs See An Angel!
As the international author of two miracle books, “Expect Miracles” and “A Christmas Filled with Miracles” (in five languages), I know that miracles happen to people of all beliefs, and that miracles compound on themselves. 

It is as if one miracle leads to the next or like a string in a dog’s mouth, as you begin gently pulling it out you wonder when it will end, but it keeps coming.

When Angels and miracles work in your life, there is no end to what is paws-ible!

Each day, I ask God/Spirit to work His/Her miracles through me to answer others' prayers. And the most amazing things happen!

My motto is: “Some days you are the Angel, some days you need an Angel.  Be an Angel in someone's life today.”

I met Colleen and her posse of little white senior pups at a dog bark-park that scoots alongside a photogenic inlet.   She is of sound mind, she does not drink or take drugs  -- and she shared the most amazing story!

“The dogs and I were walking along the main path,” said Colleen, “when we heard the most beautiful voice.  A lady was at the far end of the pier, overlooking the water singing, “Ave Maria”.

Her voice was breath taking, almost unearthly as if it floated on the very cells of the wind.  Mesmerized, I said to a man walking his dog, ‘We are blessed for our evening entertainment.’ He looked puzzled and oddly responded, ‘If you say so.’  

Then I passed a teen walking his dog and voiced the same comment.  He oddly also responded, ‘If you say so.’"

Colleen wondered if it was paws-ible that she was the only one hearing the singing?

"Her voice was beyond beautiful!" said Colleen.  "It was captivating! The dogs and I were pulled toward the mysterious woman, like a sailor to mermaids, as she continued her refrain.

She heard us approach and she turned slowly, oddly, like she was on a turntable. It seemed as though she was floating with her gown flowing and blowing in the gentle breeze. 

I thanked her for her beautiful song and honestly said, “You have the most beautiful voice I have ever heard.”

She put her hands together in AUM-age (homage) and responded, “Thank you.  It is an honor.”

Then she ‘floated’ back to face the tranquil inlet, as the sun set over the water, and began singing again.  My three dogs remained beside me, still and very un-dog-like.

Still captivated by this goddess of song, the dogs and I backed away quietly and slowly, as my soul drank in her voice. 

When she finished singing, before my eyes, she expectantly and mysteriously evaporated into the night wind! I can’t explain it - even though I experienced it!”

After Colleen shared this beautiful experience, we continued walking for an hour until an “odd” feeling made me antsy.  It felt like stomach butterflies, but heavier. There was no explanation why. Just an urgency to leave, immediately, even though I did not have plans for the rest of the day.  

My mother often said, “I have no idea what you are going to do next!”  Me neither! I just follow the guidance, like the pull of the pink ribbon connecting my heart to God’s heart as the Angels lead me.

As I was driving away, the antsy feeling abated, so I decided to share Christine’s amazing experience with my food cat-tering friend, Jody, who “gets” these kind of experiences.

Jody calls me “Angel” because I unexpectedly and re-PET-itively drop into her shop when she most needs a friend.  There were no parking spots in front, so I parked in the back.

It was surprising that Jody was at work considering that she was moving that day into her new home!

Oddly, her back door that is adjacent to an alley was propped wide open. It was unsafe because she spends most of her time in the front of her long shop. 

Was she expecting a delivery? It was still unusual for her to leave the door open.

I walked past her shiney-new Cadillac parked next to the gaping door.  Could Jody have spaced out on locking her door because she was exhausted from purr-paring for her move?

As suspected, Jody was working in the front of the shop.  She visibly jumped seeing me walk in from the back.  With a gasp and a confused look she asked, “How did you get in?”

“The back door,” I began, “is wide open. It did not appear right. So I came in to alert you.”

She jumped up and raced past me. I followed and she pointed to her open purse beside the door!

Still with a look of terror she ran to the door, reached around it, and pulled out a huge hand full of shop, house, and several vehicle keys out of the lock!

She deeply exhaled and with a sincere look of relief she said, “You have no idea what you have just done for me!”

It seems we all have guardian angels.

Who would have thought, after hearing Colleen’s amazing experience to then being mysteriously pulled away from the bark park over to Jody’s shop, that the angels would be working overtime to protect the hard working and exhausted shop owner?!  It is a good thing they were!

Play with your dogs and cats and listen to them, and the angels, with your heart.
Another God Wink story:
 John Smith

Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe", Myster E. and readers want to hear your pet's miracle story!                         
Famous Felines
Mary Ellen's Silver Persians swam their way into readers and viewer's hearts! They have appeared in International magazines and newspapers around the world. (France, England, Canada, China, Germany, USA, etc.)

Also, several National and International TV shows featured the swimming felines teaching pet-water-safety. And their furry faces appeared on a line of shirts.

Pet Tips 'n' Tales, has appeared in Oregon's "The Cottage Grove Sentinel" for 12 years.

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Angel Scribe,
PO Box 1004,
Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424