Coyote Puppy Changes Lives - And Swimming Cats on TV!

Published: Sat, 03/18/17

Pet Tips 'n' Tales
NOTE: this week, on some networks in Canada and the USA, on ANIMAL PLANET, Mary Ellen's Silver Persians are once again swimming into readers and viewer's hearts!

Look for "Oregon Woman Teaches Her Cats to Swim segment."

My cats have appeared in International magazines and newspapers around the world. (France, England, Canada, China, Germany, USA, etc.)

Also, several National and International TV shows featured the swimming felines teaching pet-water-safety. And their furry faces appeared on a line of shirts.

Wildlife scientist, Judy Hoy, with a long eared owl, shares the "miracle" electrolyte combination that she discovered.
Coyote Puppy Changes Lives
Disclaimer: This article, based on wildlife scientist, rehabber and educator Judy's scientific personal observations/experience, and Mary Ellen's experiences which are for informational purposes only and not intended to prescribe, treat, diagnose or cure.  Always consult your Veterinarian/Doctor.
Sometimes you think a story will go in one direction, then all of a sudden, it surprises you. I mean REALLY surprises you! This is one of those articles!

In 1997, scientist , author, and wildlife biologist, Judy Hoy, was diagnosed with six months to live, but even with trouble walking she continued her dedication to wildlife rehabilitation and research.

In Native American legend the Coyote is a bringer of life and a "way-maker" of a new direction. Changing lives was made paws-ible by one of five rescued coyote pups. Blondie, was diagnosed by two veterinarians as dying from rickets because her cells were not absorbing calcium.
Judy's middle name must be "Tenacity" because she never gives up. She had the tissue cell salt Calc. Phos. 30X on hand for rescues that arrived with broken bones. And because, she had seen it do wonders, she thought, "Why not try it on Blondie?"

Not expecting much, because of Blondie's diagnoses, and as an experiment, Judy gave the pup the Homeopathic Cell Salt and was amazed when the pup completely recovered in three days!

Judy's arthritis prevented her from keeping up with the active pup, so inspired by Blondie, she too began taking the tissue salt. Within three days, she was running faster than the pup!

Judy continued to witness the implausible as mammals and birds with underbite and bone illnesses grew to be normal after giving them Calc. Phos. 30X tissue salts.

When a fawn, Firefly, with severe underbite, joined her eight other rescued fawns, she knew that Firefly would likely starve and considered euthanization. Especially, after three veterinarians said that it was impossible to "fix" Firefly's underbite. But after looking into the fawn's big brown eyes, and with nothing to lose, Judy experimented by giving Firefly Bioplasma and Calc. Phos. in her milk.

Two weeks later, she thought she was feeding the wrong fawn, because Firefly's upper jaw had grown to be a normal length with a perfect bite!

Judy says, "I have documented that dozens of mammals'/ birds' facial bones grew to normal size. Others experimented with their livestock, pets and children, with equal success. It is believed that underbite/overbite is caused by genetic defects, but we have evidence otherwise. It's wonderful how tissue salts can successfully help cells uptake calcium/necessary minerals to make facial bones grow according to their genetic codes."

As far as Judy can determine, she is the first person to make a severely underdeveloped upper or lower jaw grow to be normal using the Calc. Phos. Homeopathic tissue salt.

It is a miracle how a coyote puppy ended up changing Judy's and a multitude of other lives, and mine!  

"I've also observed how combining the United Nation's recipe for treating dehydrated children (with the sugar left out) and with the two tissue salts added," said Judy, "resulted in a much quicker recovery from vomiting, diarrhea, emaciation and dehydration in mammals/birds."
Judy's Recipe
1 portion Sea salt/pink salt (Sodium Chloride)
1 portion of No Salt (Potassium Chloride)
2 portions of baking soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)
Mix and store in a jar.
Judy said, "It appears, that tissue salts stimulate an animal's cells to uptake minerals in the saline electrolytes, hydrating/nourishing them, so cells function effectively. I put a small pinch of the electrolyte mixture in a water bowl and add/give the tissue salt, Bioplasma every three hours or drink the UN formula and take Bioplasma every three hours. For animals with depleted calcium symptoms, I also add/give Calc. Phos. 30X.
Judy, now 77 years old, explains, "This formula has helped pets, wildlife and humans with lactose intolerance/digestive problems due to pesticide exposure. Twenty years ago, my bone density test was frightening low, but one year after taking one tablet of Calc. Phos. 30X and Bioplasma three times a day, I had the bone density of a thirty year old! I take the cell salts daily, but the saline electrolytes only when I'm under the weather, which is rare."

Thank you Judy for dedicating years to animal care and educating the public, and us, to the findings you stumbled on. Your life's work blesses many others.

Happy Endings

Judy said, "I let Blondie run loose on my land, because she would come when I called her and she was taught not to bother our ducks, goats or other livestock. The five coyotes, plus Firefly, once full grown, were successfully released back into the wild."

Editor's Note:
After this informative interview, my cats and I began taking the tissue salts. The pain from my broken wrist, after eight months of pain, in three days, evaporated! My sleep and bowels regulated for the first time in decades, and life did not feel overwhelming.

Our cats went from sleeping all day to literally bouncing off the walls! My famous 17-year-old swimming cat, Miss Wings, began running over the furniture chasing bugs, down the hallway, and trampolining off walls like when she was a kitten. What a joy to see her happy and healthy again.

 John Smith

Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe", Myster E. and readers want to hear your pet's story!                         
• Pet Tips 'n' Tales, has appeared in Oregon's "The Cottage Grove Sentinel" for 12 years. The Sentinel is an award-winning weekly newspaper, the voice of Oregon's South Willamette Valley for over a century.
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Angel Scribe,
PO Box 1004,
Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424