Do you know an editor who would love to publish, "The Cat Who Prayed with Pope Francis"

Published: Tue, 12/05/17

Pet Tips 'n' Tales
Dear Readers,
I am looking for a miracle for my pet column to be published in more publications. You can assist by forwarding this letter and the article "The Cat Who Prayed With Pope Francis" to editors. Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones,
Mary Ellen ^I^
Dear Editor,

I am the author of a weekly column, Pet Tips 'n' Tales, for 14 years in Oregon’s Cottage Grove Sentinel.

I have generated 3 million YouTube hits after appearances on Animal Planet, Anderson Cooper, and Seattle’s Evening Magazine. I also have two published books, "Expect Miracles" and "A Christmas Filled With Miracles".

Pet Tips 'n' Tales has increased circulation and its advertisement base, vastly increasing ads as advertisers vie for the pet page.
Would you be interested in including my pet column in your publication?

Test your readers and advertisers' reactions by publishing any two of the following free holiday pet miracle articles:
- The Cat Who Prayed with Pope Francis (attached)
- A “Radiant” Miracle
- Kitten's Christmas Miracle

Thank you for this consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe"
The Cat Who Prayed with Pope Francis
Ed and Elaine and their Terry’s miraculous story is going to have you repeating it to unbelieving friends for the rest of your life!

In December 2014, Pope Francis consoled a young child at the loss of his dog. The Pope's compassion and observation did not surprise pet lovers as he quoted apostle Paul, "One day we will see our animals again in eternity of Christ. Paradise is open to all God's creatures."

No matter how purr-pared you are for this next article, you won’t believe your eyes as you read this rescued cat’s unbelievable story!

“Who else can I tell this tale to other than other pet lovers!?” said Elaine, “This true story happened early Christmas morning, and I've been calling our long-hair-black cat, Terry, ‘Holy cat’ ever since!

My husband, Ed, was watching TV shortly after midnight on December 25, 2015. Terry was napping on the back of the living room couch, as Pope Francis appeared on the screen and began his Christmas Mass.

When the Pope started reciting the Consecration Prayer, Terry sat up and faced the TV.

As he ‘watched’ the Pope, Terry raised his left paw high in the air, staring at the Pope. He held his paw up during the entire prayer! As you can imagine, Ed could barely believe his eyes and looked on in awe! Ed stopped watching the Pope and focused on Terry.

At the end of the prayer, Terry lowered his paw down. Neither
ne of us had ever seen Terry hold up either paw for more than a few seconds. It was a Christmas miracle like none other! It was like witnessing something from the manger scene at Christ’s birth when all the animals gathered abound the baby.

A friend of ours, after hearing Terry’s story, began calling him, "Cat-echism."

Before this miraculous event took place, Terry was having serious intestinal issues. Since his ‘visit’ with the Pope, Terry has been healed of all his health problems without any medical intervention.

On February 8th, 2016 Terry had his mid-year senior health exam and he passed with flying colors. He was given a clean slate of health.

Oddly, Terry now has the energy of a kitten! He was 11-years-old in May, yet he is friskier than ever, running, playing with his cat toys, throwing them in the air, bouncing his balls and chasing them. He is remarkable, full of energy and lovable.

Terry ‘found’ me at a Massachusetts spiritual retreat in Massachusetts in 2005.

He was a starving kitten and the retreat’s kitchen staff fed him scraps. Whenever I was outside, he’d follow me. I had wanted a black cat and couldn’t believe how fast Terry attached himself to me. Four days later, my husband arrived to pick me and Terry up and drive us home.

I never take my pets for granted because they are a heavenly gift. I believe, like Pope Francis and apostle Paul, that all animals belong to our Lord and that one day we will see our beloved pets in Heaven again.

Terry's love for us is unconditional, just as the Lord's love is for us. I believe Terry was used as a channel of God's love that Christmas morning, and Ed was an honored witness of God's love for all the living creatures that he entrusts to us for a short period of time on earth.

And thank you for Pet Tips ‘n’ Tales as Ed and I have learned so much from reading it over the last fourteen years.”
“It is the oddest thing”, explains Elaine, “Every time I wanted a certain color of kitten it would show up! When I wanted a calico kitten, shortly after one appeared under our deck. When I wanted a grey cat, Misty cat was found up at a camp where our son worked. The same for our orange cat, Pumpkin. I had his name chosen before he even showed up. And then there was our Holy Cat at the retreat.

When our beloved dog, Benji, died I was consumed with grief. Shortly after his passing, my husband and I were out driving. I looked up into the sky and saw pastel balloons drifting with the wind. I told Ed, "If there are 14 balloons, I will know Benji is happy and in Heaven. I started counting and there were exactly 14 balloons!”

A big dog sits in front of a Christmas tree that is lying on the ground, “Oh, thank goodness you are home,” said the dog with feigned relief, to its returning owners. Then he explained what happened, “The tree fainted!”
 John Smith

Tell Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe" and Myster E. your pet's story!                         
Famous Felines
Mary Ellen's Silver Persians swam their way into readers and viewer's hearts! They have appeared in International magazines and newspapers around the world. (France, England, Canada, China, Germany, USA, etc.)

Also, several National and International TV shows featured the swimming felines teaching pet-water-safety. And their furry faces appeared on a line of shirts.

• Pet Tips 'n' Tales, has appeared in Oregon's "The Cottage Grove Sentinel" newspaper for 14 years.

Mary Ellen looks forward to sharing her articles in your local newspapers. Just ask..