Terrier Versus Train! A hold your breath pet story!

Published: Thu, 02/08/18

Pet Tips 'n' Tales
Terry is training her Terrier not to chase trains!
Terrier Versus Train!
Terry’s dog, Simon, is an 11-year-old, Jack Russell, Wire-Haired Fox Terrier, 27-pound puppy. Apparently, the term WIRE in his
breeds’ name is not the only thing “wired” about him.

“When I adopted Simon, he came wired with energy,” said Terry. “All he wanted was to be walked morning, noon and night.  He had a strict 'open door' policy meaning that if a door is closed, he will push it open and run. Both behaviors may have resulted from being locked up in the shelter. I should have named him Rocket because he takes off and runs like a flash, and he doesn’t come back unless he wants to, which can be dangerous.  Having dog biscuits in my pocket motivates him to return when called.”  

Simon loves to run with a squeaky toy and have Terry chase him for it.  When she says, “Use your words!” he will madly squeak the toy in response which sounds like, “Try to catch me if you can!” Part of his game is letting her get close to him before he rockets off with his toy – squeaking.  He also loves running on ocean beaches chasing seagulls.

Oddly, Simon doesn’t pay attention to their mail carrier. However, no cat or dog walks by a window or the fence without him barking hiss-terics!  On the other hand, Terry’s friends walk in unannounced by her dog but he 100% expects them to greet him.  Their neighbor’s crazy cat taunts Simon every day by running back and forth, on its side of the fence, whipping him into a responding running-barking frenzy.

On Halloween, Terry and Simon open the door together otherwise, “He barks like crazy if he can't see the costumed children!”. She holds him on his leash and he quietly sits beside her as the children choose their candy.  For their “trick” they pet him and for his “treat” he paw-furs to give out doggy kisses instead of candy kisses!

Several years ago at a park Terry let Simon off his leash to run and play with another dog.

“I will never do that again,” confesses Terry.  “A train appeared on the opposite side of the park’s chain link fence.  Simon ran towards the fence and along it chasing the train!  I called to him, but he kept running after the train.” 

Then a terrorized Terry watched her Terrier dart through a gap in the fence and run straight for the train tracks! 

“I was horrified!  I ran after him thinking that I would be retrieving his body,” said Terry. “Then, out of nowhere, I saw three girls holding Simon.  ‘Is this your dog?’ they asked me, ‘he almost got hit by the train!’

I rushed to them, shaking all the way.  They had called to Simon and because of his love for children, he veered away from the train and ran to them.  They saved him from certain death!  The girls happily went on their way as I stood in shock hugging Simon.  I couldn't even think or I would have offered them an ice cream treat. 

I often think of those young ladies, and wish they knew how much I appreciate them.  My father had recently passed away and I think that he had something to do with placing those three little angels there that day, so I wouldn't lose Simon too. Thank you to them if they are reading this!”
Terry learned to discern her dog’s barks based on the tones of each bark.  “Pay attention to your dog or cat.  They are not randomly barking or meowing. They are communicating.  Simon has taught me to understand when a cat is passing versus a dog, and when he wants attention or food.

I enjoy reading and have learned so much about pets from Pet Tips ‘n’ Tales and from watching Cesar Milan’s TV show.”

Cesar teaches viewers that dogs are meant to be dogs not living room ornaments.  They need to explore and exercise outside, and come home rested to be happy and balanced. 

“When Simon was younger if he wasn’t exercised enough during the day I’d pay for it,” recalls Terry. “He would be hyper-active and want to play at midnight or bark at every falling leaf.”
 John Smith

Tell Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe" and Myster E. all about your wonderful pet!                                   AngelScribe@msn.com
Famous Felines
Mary Ellen's Silver Persians swam their way into readers and viewer's hearts! They have appeared in International magazines and newspapers around the world. (France, England, Canada, China, Germany, USA, etc.)

Also, several National and International TV shows featured the swimming felines teaching pet-water-safety. And their furry faces appeared on a line of shirts.

• Pet Tips 'n' Tales, has appeared in Oregon's "The Cottage Grove Sentinel" newspaper for 14 years.

Mary Ellen looks forward to sharing her articles in your local newspapers. Just ask..
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Angel Scribe,
PO Box 1004,
Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424