Published: Wed, 09/23/09


Courtesy Photo
Brothers Nick, Joshua, and Jacob hug, Prince, their 7-year-old, 40-pound Standard Poodle.  Prince's life was saved by their neighbor Tim and Tim's quick response.  Tim teaches us that there is always one thing more we can do in an emergency.


What an unforgettable 24 hours!  Tim, who is not a mechanic, was working under his truck when the truck's tire-jack failed. "The entire truck fell on me, thousands of pounds," calmly recalls Tim.

Luckily, his cell phone was within reach and he was able to dial 911.  The responding fire fighters radioed for a heavy rescue vehicle to lift the truck off of Tim, but they soon realized that it would not arrive in time.  So they grabbed a hold of the truck and shouted, "Sorry, this might hurt," and heroically lifted it off Tim, saving his life.  "My leg was crushed and hurting, but luckily no bones were broken," reports Tim.

The next morning, Tim's life blurs into a fairy tale, where the prince awakens a sleeping princess from a deep sleep with a kiss on the lips.  But this time, it was Tim successfully reviving a PRINCE with a rescue mouth-to-snout technique. 
Prince is a tall-handsome, 7-year-old, 40-pound Standard Poodle who lives a few blocks away with three human brothers -- Nick, Joshua, and Jacob.  Prince must have been looking for his princess, because he had escaped his fenced backyard in the search for her.

While Tim was inside the house, he heard screeching tires, and a dog yelp.  Instantly he was off and running, he thought a car had hit one of his dogs on the busy road.  He lept the fence, all with his injured leg. Sadly, it appeared that he was too late.  "A car had hit a dog. I knelt beside the unconscious dog, lifted his head, to comfort him...and he died in my hands," said Tim.

"Our family loves dogs, we have two yellow Labrador Retrievers," adds Tim, a US Army Desert Storm war vet, and trained medic for Delta Scout, Unit 19. I did what I would do for any living creature...I had to try everything."

So, Tim took off his shirt, wrapped it around the bleeding dog and yelled to the growing crowd, "He's not breathing.  He's not breathing!"

"I had seen mouth-to-snout resuscitation on the Animal Planet, Animal Cops TV show.  So, I wiped the dog's nose clear, gently closed his jaw, put his whole snout in my mouth, and blew softly into his nose."

"I did my best, keeping air moving into him. I knew it was working because the dog's chest was rising!" smiles Tim.

Tim's wife, Mary, a nurse, ran to Tim's side and began performing chest compressions on Prince. "Within a minute, and our working together, we saw Prince breathing on his own," says Mary. 

Tim was as surprised as anyone when the dog revived, "It was pretty banged up and bleeding."

Police arrived.  Tim accompanied Prince in the patrol car to a Veterinary Clinic.  Surprisingly, miraculously...Prince only sustained cuts, scrapes and bruises. No broken bones.  Much like Tim had the day before with his vehicle encounter.

James and Gina, Prince's pet-parents, were in a panic searching for their family pet.  They came upon the accident scene, and were so grateful that a Good Samaritan had saved their beloved dog.

"We're so happy that everybody stepped up and did the right thing.  They went above and beyond what most people would do for a dog," Gina said. 

A story like this is a breath of fresh air, but it doesn't stop here! Tim,  an unemployed contractor, has saved a life before.  "Eight years ago, I was first on a car crash scene and gave a woman CPR, saving her life."

Tim was thanked by her family, met them, and that was the end of that.  But, saving Prince's life has had a totally different ending.  "I am getting calls from David Letterman, have been on several TV shows in Oregon and Washington, and in several newspapers.  I along with Prince and his family, we flew to New York and appeared on the Early Show."

"I am a doer, love animals, and don't just let things go by," enthusiastically admits Tim.  "I saw pet mouth-to-snout resuscitation on TV, knew it was possible, and had to give it a go.  For some reason, I'm like a magnet for helping others, always at the right place at the right time."

Tim's aunt Jan agrees, "God has Tim on earth for a special purpose, a special reason." And she is right! 



Watch this training video on performing Pet CPR.  The video also illustrates the proper use of pet oxygen masks and provides information on donating them to your local EMT's, police and fire departments.
Interestingly, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation was mentioned in the Bible for resuscitating newborns by midwives.
Modern CPR was rediscovered in the late 1950s by two doctors who taught mouth-to-mouth ventilation. 
In early 1960's three other doctors realized the benefit of including chest compressions for artificial circulation.  It was not that many years ago that mouth-to-mouth and chest compression were combined to form CPR as we know it today.
Contact your local American Red Cross for free human CPR classes.
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