Wholly Cats! Look what happens when people "forget" to alter their pets!

Published: Wed, 09/16/09

Pet Tips 'n' Tales©

Wholly Cats!

Photo by Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe"©
Wholly Cats! Look what happens when people "forget" to alter their pets! Nancy and her daughter, Rachel, cuddle the homeless cats in their care at Wholly Cats Rescue and Adoption. Most of these orphans were bottle fed. If everyone had their pets altered, then these two feline foster mothers could get some sleep! All these cats are waiting for loving homes. Contact: Humane Society 541-942-2789


How many people live their philosophy and make it a way of life? Nancy and Rachel live their lives according to the East Indian tradition Ahimsa. "Ahimsa translates to, 'Do no harm. But that is not enough! You have to also relieve suffering.'" says Nancy.

Spend 2 minutes with this caring mother-daughter rescue team and you realize that the 625 plus kittens, in 4 years, who have passed through their loving hands have all had their suffering relieved. (Four more newborns arrived while interviewing them!)  Visualize bottle feeding 19 tiny newborn kittens, every two hours, for days on end!  "Kittens are plentiful and sleep is rare," admits Rachel.

Someone ought to drop by these animal hero's immaculate home and present them with a medal of honor! (or a check!)  You can not tell that they have one cat, little alone fostering 40 clean, happy, and healthy cats!

In her passion to raise awareness about the plight of cats, Nancy emphatically states, "Cats want the same things that all living creatures and people want. They want to: live, be treated with kindness, raise their babies, have love, companionship, comfort and an opportunity to be healthy with good food. They are similar to us in many ways."

When kittens were found abandoned in a backpack,  Nancy dedicated herself to saving the surviving kitten, Packie.

"Packie is adorable." says Nancy, "She is a bottle baby, and like a human baby she loves being held, cuddled, and packed around. Saving her life means that someone is going to get an exceptional loving family companion."

For as many kittens that come Nancy's way, there are as many horror stories. Seeing an adorable fluffy face, sweet innocent eyes, and knowing the helplessness of a new born, and understanding that these kittens suffered in their first few days of life is appalling.

Honest to goodness, what kind of a human tosses tiny kittens, or any animal, out a car window? Luckily an observant car driver rescued the few surviving kittens and delivered them to the Humane Society.

Emma was discovered as a new born kitten, on a garage floor, dragging her umbilical cord. Emma's will to live surprised everyone. Where she came from, no one knew. Rachel and Nancy have cared for Emma for 3 ½ months.

"Was she worth saving?" asks Nancy. "When we first saw her it was doubtful it, but she has the right to live, so we gave her the best chance possible. Someone did not care enough to spay her mother.  Also, spaying and neutering feral colonies prevents homeless mother cats from dropping kittens in our community. Ask your Humane Society how you can help!"

Two weeks ago, Stella had to have her broken front leg amputated.  Now, she runs around their house at high kitten speeds, and jumps up and down off the bar stools as aptly as a four legged cat!

It is not just the kittens who need families, the nursing mother cats, once their litters are weaned need homes. Sweet Foxy is currently up for adoption at the Old Mill Farm and Feed Store. Foxy  volunteered to raise four orphaned litters, once hers had been adopted.

"Our mother cats are loving, sweet, and compassionate...like mother goose, they love the little ones." gently smiles Rachel as she adds, "Miss C-C (a calico-cat) can't stand a kitten crying, and runs to us with an insistent look in her eyes of "Give me that baby!" We hand her the kitten and she washes it, cuddles it and comforts it. When you observe cats, their loving and caring hearts are obvious.  Once again, they are much like us."

"Educate and encourage your neighbors to neuter and spay their pets." advices Nancy. "If they cannot afford to alter their pets, there are many low cost spay and neuter clinics, or offer to help pay part of the costs. Phone your Humane Society for help."

Find your voice, just like you would not let a friend drive drunk, don't let a friend have their unneutered pet leave the house. Both situations cause suffering.

The ladies silently offer their service fostering kittens, thus assisting the over burdened Humane Society. They also help the flood of cat over population by spaying and neutering each cat before offering them as healthy companions to new homes.

Nancy and Rachel started Wholly Cats Rescue and Adoption service because they saw a need, "We rescue cats because there are so many that need rescuing." volunteers Nancy. "Please do the right thing and help stop the onslaught of starving kittens and have your family pets neutered and spayed. My daughter and I would both love a full night of sleep!"

And as an after thought she adds, "Anyone want a kitten?"

Adoptions: These cats are both dog and cat friendly. Adopted parents come from cities far and wide -- 541-942-2789.        View all the cats/kittens   


Neuter 'n' Spay...Oh My! And if not, feel free to donate funds to your local Humane Society's neuter and spay or adoption  programs! 
Forest Valley Vet's spay costs are $35 for males and $52 for females and the Humane Society shop can provide coupons for $20 off. Happy Spaying!
Also, if you wish to donate kitten milk or cat food to help Wholly Cats feed their felines -- contact Old Mill Farm Store on River Road in Cottage Grove. 542-942-3042

Mary Ellen and Miss Wings
Tips 'n' Tales Newspaper Columnist, Mary Ellen with Miss Wings
AngelScribe AT msn DOT com
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