Happy Howl-O-Ween; A Boo-tiful Story about Two Princesses

Published: Wed, 10/28/09

Happy Howl-O-Ween
Pet Tricks 'R' Treats
Witch is a Princess?


 Photo by Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe"© 
Happy Boo-Day from Sarah and her birthday pup, Princess,
who enjoy trick or treating together. Notice Princess's unusual eyes!

This is a boo-t-ful story about 10-year-old Sarah, who is lucky enough to already have one of her heart-felt dreams come true!
"I LOVE animals, and have my whole life, and I wanted a dog," admits Sarah as she smiles and continues.  "Two years ago on my birthday, I got the best surprise ever!"

Her father walked into the house carrying Sarah's mystery "spook-tacular" birthday gift.

"I'll never forget Dad coming home holding a small brown cardboard box," Sarah says excitedly.  "I looked into the box, and saw the cutest little Dachshund puppy I have ever seen!  I was so happy to finally have my own dog. The puppy was tiny and I named her Princess. Mom told me that my name, Sarah, is the biblical name for princess. Now Mom calls us her two princesses.

Princess is a brown and white dapple Dachshund. A neat thing about her is that she has one brown eye and one blue eye. Princess loves me and follows me everywhere.

Last Halloween I thought she might have fun trick or treating downtown with me and Mom. Princess and I both dressed up as witches. I was amazed that she kept her little witch hat on the whole time! I had a great time and I think she did too.

Princess is a great dog; I really love her.  She is a good friend and jumps up on the couch to watch TV with me.  I feel so lucky that she was my birthday dog."

According to Sarah's mom, Jan, "Princess was supposed to be a miniature five-pound Dachshund, but instead she grew into an eleven-pound standard Dachshund."

Teaching manners to a puppy comes one step at a time as Jan explains, "When Princess was a year old, Sarah left the dinner table and forgot to push her chair in. I was washing dishes, I looked over at the table, and there as pretty as a Princess, was the dog standing on Sarah's chair. Her front paws were on the table, and she was eating Sarah's leftovers. We all had a good laugh because we thought it was impossible for a dog with four-inch legs to jump up onto a chair that was much taller than she.

One night as I was locking up the house for bed, I could not find Princess.  She sleeps inside in a  crate-bed in the master bedroom, so that's the first place I checked. No Princess.

I searched all her other favorite places to hang out. No Princess. I began worrying that she might have gotten out of the backyard. I visualized canvassing the neighborhood in my pajamas, but first went up to Sarah's room to give her a goodnight kiss.

I bent down to kiss Sarah and noticed a little bump in the bed beside her.

There was the missing Princess tucked in bed under the covers with her head on a pillow (just like a little princess) snoring away. It was cute, but I thought it best not to set a precedent and carried her down to her crate. Princess still tries to get away with sleeping with Sarah.  My best guess is that Sarah is her accomplice!"


Ann advises, "Because Dachshunds have very long backs, they are prone to vertebra problems. Jumping down from furniture can cause injury, and it is always a good idea to limit their access to stairs.  Our home has two floors, so we put a doggy gate at the bottom of the stairs to limit her access to the stairs."

Are you telepathic with your pet?  Read Dr. Agnes Thomas' book,"Pets Tell The Truth," www.PetsTellTheTruth.com and  "Ask Your Animal" by biologist Marta Williamsmartawilliams.com

As animal communicators, both authors share information and stories about how animals see and respond to visual pictures in their minds.

20 Pet Safety Treats

- Fake sinewy cobwebs stretched across windows and doors can clog pets' intestines and kill them.

- It is best not to walk pets in costumes.  Most pets think costumes are annoying. Costumes are unsafe when pets run and should not constrict their natural movement or hearing, or impede their ability to breathe or bark.  Be alert to small, dangling, or easily chewed-off pieces of a costume that pets could choke on.

- Pet costumes should not obstruct their vision.  Even the friendliest of pets will bite when they can't see.

- Never leave a costumed pet unattended. They may eat the costume or get hurt trying to take it off, or trip while running in it.

- If you create your pet's costume, use safe nontoxic paints

- Reflector strips are a good precaution for leashes/costumes.

- Some people set off fireworks on Halloween, causing pets in yards to jump fences and those on leads to run and become lost.  Keep your pets protected inside on Halloween.  The next several paragraphs were moved from further down in the newsletter because they were all related.

- Pets may be fearful of Trick-or-Treaters in costumes. Keep pets indoors or bring them inside before children come calling. This also protects Trick-or-Treaters from pets that become aggressive when frightened.

- Frightened animals can run away; while opening doors for Trick-or-Treaters, keep your pets in the back of the house behind a closed door, behind a baby gate, or in their crate or carrying cage and turn on a radio or TV to soothe them.

-  For Halloween, some pet owners use the homeopathic pet remedy Pet Calm or TFLN to help their pets stay calm.

- Have pets ID'd with a collar and tag or microchipped, so they can be returned to you.

- Chocolate and raisins in all forms are dangerous for dogs and cats. Also, tin foil and cellophane candy wrappers are hazardous when swallowed. Keep family pets out of the room while children inspect their collected Halloween candy.

- Halloween pumpkins and decorative corn are relatively nontoxic, but they can cause gastrointestinal problems or intestinal blockage if an animal ingests large pieces.

-  If you suspect that your pet has ingested a potentially dangerous substance, call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (888) 426-4435.

- Keep electric lights, wires, and cords out of reach of pets. If your pets chew them, they can damage their mouths from shards of glass or plastic, or receive a life-threatening electrical shock.

- Keep pets in the day before Halloween and on Halloween to protect them from pranksters.

- Place candles up high, so pets won't knock them over and burn their noses, whiskers, paws, or tails! Use glow sticks or battery-operated tea lights instead.

- Keep pets away from jack-o-lanterns that have candles in them. Use a small penlight or Christmas lights in jack-o-lanterns to protect active dogs from bumping them and curious cats from putting their paws or themselves in them.

- When walking a pet on Halloween, keep it on a leash so it won't run in front of vehicles, or in fright, attack a strange-looking costumed child.

- When walking a pet, be courteous; use a sandwich bag to pick up after them.

View this story and Pet Safety Tips online in LARGE PRINT
Boo-T-ful Cats Swimming on TV!

Mary Ellen and Miss Wings
Mary Ellen with Miss Wings-Miracle Author & Pet Columnist. It is an honor to have you reading Angel Scribe and sharing the stories with your loved ones.

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MARY ELLEN "Angel Scribe"
PO BOX 1004
Cottage Grove, OR

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