Cats Love Car Rides - 20 Travel Tips

Published: Wed, 11/25/09


Twenty Holiday Travel Tips
Have a Purrfect Holiday!
Avoid CAT-astrophies by buckling up your pets!

Volunteering a cat for a car ride makes the little hairs on the backs of most pet parents' necks stand on end!  But you may be surprised to learn that many people and their cats enjoy vehicle rides.

Your cat is smart and if their car ride has one destination--the veterinarian's clinic- it will not want any part of a car ride!

- Teach cats that car rides are an adventure.  Begin by driving them somewhere fun--to watch the ducks at the park or see Christmas lights on your street--and soon your cats will look forward to their next road trip adventure.
Photo by Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe"©
Miss Wings loves exploring the car.

- Car noises scare cats, so let them explore the motionless vehicle. Chat happily with them, play with them, and give them their favorite treats so they learn a car is a nice place.

- Always have a litter box in the same location in a car.  There is something about a car ride that is connected to a cat's plumbing.

- After your cat's body language looks relaxed, start the car up. Drive slowly up and down your street, a few feet at a time.  If their body language looks agitated, drive home immediately.  This way, you alleviate fear of the next short trip, and your cat will learn that the car won't always end up at a veterinary clinic.
Photo by Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe"©
 Nymbus waiting to be lifted from the car on arriving home.
- NEVER allowed a cat to jump from the car when you arrive at your destination or back home.  Always hand carry cats from the car. This teaches them to wait until they are lifted from the car preventing them from jumping out unexpectedly when you are entering or exiting during a trip.
Therapist Sandra and cat-therapist Sammy heading out to visit clients.
Read their miracle story:
Sammy is all snuggled in for the trip in his Snoozer Pet Safety Seat.
These pet seats are purrfect for small dogs too!
1-800-635-9755 Ext. 112-- ask for Brian O'Donnell
-Reward your cat with a favorite food or treat when you get return home.

When our family fostered a rescued 13-year-old male Persian from a breeder's small isolated cage, the world was terrifying for him.  Yet, it was easy to teach Mr. Puurfect how to love car rides.

After using the above technique for three days, Mr. Purrfect was sitting on my lap holding the steering wheel with his front paws--like the captain of his own ship! At the end of the week, we were driving all over town.  He loved his new freedom and seeing the world!

- Remember, if you want your cat happy in a car, do what pleases him.

- Cats are visual and like to see outside the car. This helps calm them, distracting them from the car smells and road noise.
- Snoozer Pet Car Seats are a favorite amongst cat and small dog travelers ( You easily and safely harness your pet into the seat and they love to be up high to see the view.

- Buckling pets into a safety pet car seat prevents them from escaping when the doors are open as you exit or enter the vehicle.
Photo by Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe"©
Nymbus teaches Charlotte (4-years-old) and Alex (2-years-old) how to safely buckle cats in car seats. Charlotte and Alex have child car seats, and are thrilled to discover that cats have safety car seats too!
- Cats soon excitedly get into their cat-harness, once they know a trip and a treat are involved!

- If your cat has micro-chip ID, also adding a metal or laminate tag with your name and cell phone number on the harness is a good idea.

- Having visible contact information means that anyone can phone you immediately upon finding your lost cat, which saves time. They wont have to drive the cat to a veterinary or humane society and scan them for ID.

- A cat and a child's center of gravity are different than an adult's and erratic driving tosses them about.  Keep your driving steady and smooth; even if cats are in a carrier, they can easily be jostled from side to side.

- As a professional fire department photographer, I know first-hand that in a vehicular accident, pets become projectiles and are often injured or killed.  Or they flee from open doors or broken windows.  Having your pet in a safety pet seat would avoid this tragedy.

- Inquisitive cats enjoy the safety pet seats that allow them to see outside, shy cats love to hide in the crates.  Cats who can see outside are less likely to become car sick.

- Frightened cats often end up at the vehicle's foot pedals.  Drivers and their pets have been killed because the pet lodged between the floorboard and the brake pedal. Restraining your cats makes it safer for both pets and people.
Photo by Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe"©
Avoid a Cat-astrophe, buckle your cats safely in a pet seat so they
are not tossed out of the car in an accident.

- The American Automobile Association (AAA) reports that animals moving around in vehicles create the third worst distraction for drivers--the other two are children and adjusting the audio system.

- There is no need to medicate a cat if you take these few simple steps to make their journey safe and pleasurable.  Your cats will soon enjoy and want to go for car rides.  If you feel the need to calm your cats, research the homeopathic remedies Pet Calm and Rescue Remedy.

Our four cats enjoy car rides and sit in the living room window staring at us when we pull out of the driveway if we "forget" and leave them at home. Their eyes plead with their best "trying to make you feel guilty" look.   For inside cats, car rides stimulate cats' natural senses and help relieve boredom.

This Holiday Season when you are packing your suitcases, gifts, and family members for a holiday trip, don't forget to also pack up your cats!  Happy Holidays, and happy family memories.

Photo by Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe"©
Nymbus looks forward to every trip. He prepares by leaving cat hairs on all packed clothes; then he stands at the front door as we pack up the car yelling impatiently at us waiting to be put in the car. When we reach our destination, he does not want to get out of the car or his Snoozer Pet Seat!
Photo by Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe"©
Nymbush loves his new (
safety seat.  Here he is 10 minutes after his first time in it. Look how calm he is!

Nymbus is wearing his walking harness, you can't see it under all his fur, and it is strapped to the seat belt harness that comes with the car seat. He lets people come up to the open car window and pet him. Honestly, it's like watching a royal cat holding court!  Having him safely buckled in is such a blessing because we now can have the window and sun roof open with cats in the car!
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Angel Scribe, PO Box 1004, Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424, USA