Christmas Morning Miracle! Tips 'n' Tales

Published: Mon, 12/21/09

Dearest Readers, 
I produce two newsletters. Following is a sample of Angel Scribe, filled with Angel and Miracle stories. Since the newsletter's inception in 1996, it is a tradition to share the following Christmas morning miracle that took place in my life.
You are not subscribed; this is only a sample. 
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Happiest of Holidays,
Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe"
AngScrib.Gif (5559 bytes)Angel Scribe®
Christmas Morning Miracle!
- Believe -
Photo by Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe"©
Nymbus Chatting With the Christmas Angel

Dearest Readers,

If you are busy this holiday season, count your blessings.
Many people have no one, nowhere to go, and their days are empty.
Many understand that when you uplift another, you also lift up your own spirit.
One Christmas day years ago loomed viciously ahead of me.
Trying to figure out how to  make it through the day e
motionally became a creative game.
The answer came!  Volunteer!  So I phoned the Vancouver, B.C., downtown Crisis Center.
By volunteering, the day became a gift to the regular employee, someone I didn't know, so they could spend it with their family.  The thought warmed my sad heart then and now.
I never regretted donating time on Christmas day; the experience was enriching.
Driving home at the end of the work day, it was much easier to count my many blessings.
My eyes and heart were opened wide after spending a day peeking into others' bewildering and chaotic lives.
Need warm and fuzzy hugs? Your local humane society has loving pets that need hugs and homes, and the shelters need your extra towels for the animals to sleep on, for warmth.
Traditionally, I share this Christmas Morning Miracle story every Christmas season as a reminder that even the most impossible miracles are possible!
Ask God/Angels/Spirit into your life and wait and watch for the magic to unfold in ways that most deem impossible and remember--miracles can happen!

Wishing you and your loved ones a healthy holiday season wrapped in JOY.
Angelic blessings,
Mary Ellen ^I^

May this holiday season bring you miracles...
and may you be the miracle in others' lives.
BELIEVE, cat looking at candle of hope
Photo by Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe"©
Myster E. "Keeping Hope Alive"

Christmas Morning Miracle
Shorter Version appears in A Christmas Filled With Miracles
by best selling author Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe""
Thirty years ago we knew Christmas was going to be unusual because my mother's husband, Jim, was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer, and my mother was having an on-and-off- again attack of gallstones.
We prepared for an unusual, maybe even a depressing
Christmas holiday, but we were not prepared for the miraculous!

I was living on Vancouver Island and not looking forward to leaving the comfort and festivities of home and friends.
In the busy work day, I had to schedule 35 minutes for packing a suitcase, one hour for the beautiful drive up the highway to the Nanaimo Ferry Terminal, and then wait for a ferry to Vancouver.
My plans were ticking along nicely until I could not find my two cats.

The Shaded Silver Persians, Channel and Camelot, were used to traveling in the car but once again, they telepathically picked up that we were leaving for the ferry and promptly hid.
I missed two ferries hunting the cats out of their hiding places because it took an additional two hours to catch them.
Before leaving the house on Christmas Eve, I quickly telephoned my best friend, Rita, and wished her a happy and a joyful holiday.
Over the years we had the habit of talking on the telephone several times a day, which have added up to hours and days, cementing our business and friendship.
Finally, the cats, suitcase, and packages were in the car; I was ready to begin creating a new Christmas memory.
Because of the delay locating the cats, I exceeded the speed limit for the usual one-hour drive to the ferry terminal and arrived in under 40 minutes.
With the additional holiday traffic, we were forced to wait an additional two tedious hours watching ferry after ferry pull out. Everyone in the over-sized parking lot wished they were on each departing ferry.
I scanned the cold parking lot at the many vehicles of all shapes and sizes.
It was obvious they were journeying home to their loved ones for the holidays; their trucks and cars were packed with family, dogs, and brightly decorated holiday packages.
They walked by looking into my car and smiled at the two cats sitting in the back window.  The cats looked just like the puffy white cuffs on Santa's red suit jacket.
We pulled onto the ferry at 6 PM with the boring 90-minute trip over the gray waters to Vancouver looming in front of us.
Just before 8 PM, the huge ferry lumbered into the Vancouver dock. 
The weather matched our moods. We drove off the ferry into torrential rain, with the two cats meowing in the car's back window ledge.
I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing we had
only 15 minutes left of this memorable Christmas Eve drive.
I finally pulled into my mother's driveway and turned off the car.
For several moments I gazed at the home sparkling with its Christmas lights, reflecting on the home I had grown up in.
My sister was living 3,000 miles away in Northern Canada, and my brother was in Australia; things have certainly changed over the years.
(My father and sister have died in the past 10 years, leaving their memories stamped on the house.)
How do things change so fast in our lives?   I felt trepidation stepping into the home of my childhood where we had all spent so many happy Christmases.
The cats immediately leaped for their freedom from the car and began to re-explore this familiar territory.
As I stepped through the back door into the kitchen, Jim's pharmaceuticals stood in full view like soldiers of war against his illness.
No one was talking; my mother and Jim were both resting, thinking their own sad thoughts. The heaviness of their health situation was everywhere.
It was as gloomy inside the house as the weather was outside.
It seemed the spirit of Christmas had been left behind on the Island with the joyful voices of my friends and neighbors.
We all went to bed early, around 9 PM. We could have watched TV until the early hours of the morning thinking and rethinking the state of Jim's health, or we could find quiet relief in the passing of time during sleep.
I was dreading waking up in the morning, reflecting on how the spirit of the holiday season had long since evaporated with the diagnosis of Jim's cancer.
He was such a kind man; the thought of him suffering overwhelmed us all.
I was the first one awake on Christmas morning. I looked over at the familiar digital bedroom clock, which had stood as a sentinel watching me grow from childhood to adulthood.
It was barely 7 AM on this day of magic for children around the world.
Everyone else was still silent and sleeping peacefully. I thought I would call Rita and hear a cheery holiday voice. Her children usually woke at 5 AM, so they would have been up for hours now.
What young child could sleep in, knowing Santa had arrived sometime in the wee hours of the morning?
I dialed Rita's phone number -- long since memorized. My finger sought out the 1, then the area code, then the rest of her number.
She picked up the telephone and said, "Hello" in a weak, crackly voice. I thought, "Oh no, what now! What else could possibly go wrong! Where was her sweet lyrical voice?"
I asked Rita if she was all right -- and this total stranger responded,
"Who is this?"
Caught off guard, I also thought, "Who is this?'
Apparently I woke up an elderly woman early on Christmas morning.
I apologized and she said, "Not to worry. It is nice to have someone to talk to, as I don't have anything to do today or anyone to talk to."
My heart went out to this woman, and we started chatting. After all, everyone in my house was sleeping, this woman had no one to talk to, and she was obviously very alone and lonely.
I had dialed my friend's home long-distance on Vancouver Island, so I was curious to know where this woman lived.
To this day, we cannot comprehend how this happened! The woman said she lived in a small apartment in Burnaby.
It was a local number. How had this phone call been rerouted to a total stranger? The phone numbers were not even similar!
She said her name was Faith.  She was almost 80 years old, and her husband, Dick, had died seven years earlier.
Her neighbor, Robert, a young man in his twenties, usually spent the holidays with her, but this year he was out of town with his fiancée.
Faith went on to say that she had no reason to get up at any specific time today because she had no one to share Christmas with. She was glad I phoned, "A bit of a Christmas gift."

Her Christmas Day was unfolding worse than ours!
We had each other, and this is what Christmas is truly about--
love for one another.

Faith and I talked for 45 minutes. We were laughing and sharing.  I heard all about her wonderful husband and their years together.
Just before 8 AM I asked her to hold a minute, as my mother was now stirring in her bedroom.
I asked my mother if Faith could come and share Christmas dinner with the remnants of our family.
My mother was not feeling well, but she has an understanding and kind heart. She said, "Yes, Faith is welcome."
Initially, Faith had a long and lonely day looming ahead of her, and now it was a day to look forward to.
She was thrilled at the prospects of a true family Christmas.
Faith was not familiar with Greater Vancouver, so I gave her directions on how to come the 15 miles to our family's home in North Vancouver via the bus from Burnaby.
She hung up and contacted the bus station to see if the buses were running; it was Christmas Day, and it was snowing.
I hung up and thought, what kind of woman had I just spontaneously invited to share dinner?
Faith later shared that she was the only passenger on the large empty bus as it wound its way through town, and she wondered if she had made the right decision to leave the safety of her home and venture out on the snowy roads to a total stranger's house.
No one knew she had left home or where she was going.  Faith had to make three different bus connections.
After 20 minutes on the third bus as it drove past houses with their Christmas lights up and families gathering, Faith started to worry.
She had seen slums, poor homes, apartments, and middle-class homes, and she was getting nervous.
Faith told the bus driver of the mysterious morning phone call that brought her on her adventure today. She wanted someone to know in case she disappeared.

The bus driver had no idea he was delivering a Christmas miracle.
Faith showed him our address and he turned to her and said, "You will be fine in that neighborhood."
But she was still concerned as she had no idea who we were any more than we did her.
Meanwhile, our formerly dreary home changed. We plugged in the brightly decorated Christmas tree with all its shiny baubles of years-gone-by memories.
My mother put on a festive long skirt and bless Jim's heart, he mustered enough strength to put on a bright red shirt.
The whole atmosphere of our home had shifted and become one of joy.
We excitedly awaited the arrival of our Christmas guest.
I shoveled the snow off the driveway and then stepped back into the house.
The aroma of the cooking holiday turkey wafted through the house.
This delicious fragrance has imprinted us all with the deep cellular memory of "Christmas."
Twenty minutes later, it was time for me to drive to the bottom of the hill and pick up our Christmas mystery guest at the bus stop.
And there she was, ever so slowly, stepping off the bus.
What a sweet face! Faith looked up at me and visibly relaxed.
We smiled at each other, and I took the gift of her home to my Mother and Jim.
When I was growing up, I brought stray animals home to my mother, but this was a whole new perspective of sharing.
We had the nicest time, a great meal, and lots of laughs; at 9 PM it was time to drive Faith home to Burnaby.
But, I want to share something miraculous with you, something so unexplainable, even I cannot believe what was about to take place, even after all these years!
I am not making this up; I could not have thought of something so incredible.
Following is what happens when you live in the World of Miracles.
We stood at the front door with our coats on as my mother and Faith were saying good-bye when suddenly my mother realized we had not shared last names with Faith.
My mother said, "What is your last name?"  Faith replied, "Holden."
My mother looked irritated, and she said, "No, that is my last name, what is your last name?"
All of us had the shock of our lives.
Faith looked confused and repeated with great patience, "That is MY last name. Holden. H-o-l-d-e-n."
We had the same last name, Holden, spelled the exact same way!
Usually the last name is spelled with a second "o"; it is very rare to have it spelled with an "e."
How had we been divinely put together with someone with the same family name?

It was as if the universe was saying,
"Your family is not always one by birth, but by Divine appointment."
Shocked we sat on the couch bundled in our winter coats.  This was not the last surprise for us this Christmas day. Faith went on to describe her life as she sat in our living room beside the ticking grandfather clock.
Faith said she had been married to a man from England, as my mother currently was.
Both families then traveled from England to Winnipeg, Canada.  Faith's husband and my mother's husband were the second of four children and none of these siblings, once married, had ever had a child.
Jim and Faith's husband had the same combination of brothers and sisters--in the same birth order.
Faith and my mother went to the same high school; so many coincidences came one after the other.
It was as if my mother and Faith were reading from the same notebook of life, and they were just ticking off one similar experience after another.
How is it possible to dial a long-distance number on Christmas morning and get someone locally, who needed us -- and we needed them?
It is unbelievably mysterious--it became evident that God works overtime on Christmas; how else could I have possibly connected to a "family" member with the same family name?
It is a Christmas and a miracle I will never forget!
Dearest Readers, I have been sending this Christmas miracle story to you traditionally since 1996, and I recently learned from my mother that Faith's number was UNLISTED!
Even if we had wanted to find her, we would have had no way to!  
May your days be filled with miracles and you be surrounded by people you love!
Blessings to you and your loved ones,
Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe"


One of the blessings of living in a small town is  that you see people you know downtown. I saw Santa downtown before he left town to head back to the North Pole.

Santa told me, "Mrs. Santa and I loved the photo you took of me with the little boy; we had copies made to send to our relatives around the world for Christmas!"
Photo by Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe"
This little boy jumped into Santa's lap like he had not seen him for ... well, for a year!

Reader Response

Thank you for your newsletters.  I enjoy the stories! You make a difference in all our lives, as we each must find our own way of spreading comfort and joy.
Jo in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

It is an honor to have you reading Angel Scribe newsletters and
sharing them with your loved ones.
Please share the newsletter with your friends
to uplift their hearts and minds.
Happiest of Holiday Seasons,
Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe"
Mary Ellen and Nymbus...Holiday movie stars

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