Published: Mon, 02/08/10


FDA finds Petag responsible in
tainted infant animal formula
February 2nd, 2010
Forward this to friends and neighbors to protect their pets. 
Information Copied off the website above:
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) just found Petag responsible for the tainted formula that sickened and killed infant animals. An independent lab analysis of the product showed insufficient nutrition, extreme levels of fiber and toxic levels of heavy metal copper.

January 29, 2010 the FDA finished their investigation into Petag. Petag is the number one manufacturer of kitten and puppy milk in the world as per the company's website. Their formulas KMR and Esbilac sickened and killed many animals in 2009. These formulas are also used for orphaned wildlife such as cheetahs, raccoons, squirrels and opossums who also died.

Only after the FDA began their investigation did Petag publicly admit on their website that their KMR kitten formula was bad and should not be used. This was after months of reports of kittens and other animals who got diarrhea and died. Even though the company admitted on their website that they received multiple complaints CEO and co-owner George Gill told the FDA that they only received one complaint.

COO and company owner Darlene Frudakis admitted in a December 17, 2009 radio interview on "Where the fur flies" that their KMR formula was spoiled from heat and should not be used. Unfortunately Frudakis did not alert consumers or distributors of the problems with the product. She merely posted a small note on the company website.
The tainted product is still on store shelves. The FDA does not have the power to force recalls on pet food items. The company must initiate their own recalls. Petag has not done this.

When informed about the spoiled formula from consumers Pet Sense pet stores removed all of the product from their 31 stores nationwide.
One manager of one Petco store removed the tainted product after consumer complaints. It is not known at this time if Petco or PetSmart removed all of the tainted formula from all of their stores nationwide.
The tainted KMR smells rancid and appears more yellow than white. Do not use this formula.

Animal Advocates in Los Angeles, California was the organization which made the initial report to the FDA. More information about the problems is available on the Animal Advocates website.   
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Saving Sydney the Cat
Three weeks ago, my neighbor, Jeanna, and I discovered a starving black cat, Sydney. I was blogging Sydney's progress and her journey to survive.
Sadly, Sydney died early Thursday morning in her own warm bed.  The ravages of starvation had done more damage than her sweet spirit had energy to fight back from.
During this three weeks, this gentle cat taught more about love and strength than some humans do in their entire life time.
Sydney's Newspaper Story 
Sydney's Blog
Pet Communicator Dr. Agnes Thomas talked to Sydney.
Read their communication:

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