Bone Chilling PET FOOD Alerts

Published: Thu, 02/18/10


Pet Food Alerts and Pet Treat Info
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Melanine Back in Our Pets' Food?

Dearest Pet Guardians,

This latest news on the pet food conspiracy may explain why all five of my cats are ill again--every cat was vomiting and had diarrhea.

A week later, we are slowly recovering.  The Chinese Po Chia pills stopped their eruptions, and another remedy is helping stabilize them. 
Whyspurr lost all the fur around her neck, it was like chemo poisoning.  The last time we saw this was when the pet food industry was contaminated with melanine.

Stay alert, if your pet wont eat their pet food, there is a reason...and this may be why!

http://www.thedogpr 10021-Pet- Food-Conspiracy_ Liquorman. asp
http://tinyurl. com/yd9pjq8

"Dogs are still dying from contaminated food....evidence of an international conspiracy in counterfeit pet foods." mentions the website above.  The link the possibility that recalled  melamine pet food is being resold and relabeled!
Cow Hooves
Sent in by Cathy in Washington State
We give our two Boston Terriers cow hooves, before Christmas we were getting low on cow hooves so I went to the pet store to pick up a bag of 12. 
I found that all the wire bins were empty.  I asked a clerk if they were out or what?  She stated they had all been pulled because of the possibility of salmonella.  I have yet to see them back on the shelves. 
Cat Food Help
Refer to Dr. Jean Hofve, DVM website for her article WHAT CATS SHOULD EAT.  The information gives us a direction to move forward with.
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Then the FDA alert syou to foods and treats that companies are selling that harms pets.

Mary Ellen and Miss Wings
Mary Ellen & Miss Wings
Pet Tips 'n' Tales Newspaper Columnist
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