Hilarious Mouse Tales - Only because they did not happen to us!

Published: Wed, 06/16/10

Pet Tips 'n' Tales©

Hilarious Mouse Tales
- Only because they did not happen to us! -
Photo by Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe"©
It is no secret that Gail and Birdie, sisters and owners of The Bookmine, are cat lovers. But there is a valid reason why cats are included on their payroll. Birdie is holding the late Dickens, named after Charles Dickens, and Gail has Opal, named after Cottage Grove's mysterious author and possible princess, Opal Whitely.  The following mouse tales are hilarious, only because they did not happen to us!


This week's Tips 'n' Tales is a collection of mouse stories readers sent in after reading about  cats discovering a mouse in a chair.  http://www.angelscribe.com/tnt_cat-mouse-capade.html
In 1975, after Gail and Birdie graduated from college, they opened their bookstore, The Bookmine, on Main Street. They thought they were the only staff until they discovered mice working the night shift!

Humane mouse traps were put out, and each morning, for a week, they found three or four mice in the traps.  One day, Gail picked up the vacuum and dropped the hose when a mouse ran out! 

Gail opened the vacuum canister and discovered the mouse was using it as a nursery. The mouse's babies where nestled comfortably in the dust contents!  Gail left the vacuum alone, allowing the mother to return and feed her babies.
When the bookshop was closed for the night, Gail and Birdie put a sock over the vacuum hose, carried the vacuum to the car, and drove into the country side.  They stopped at a quiet area, dug a comfy little nest, carefully removed the vacuum's contents, and placed them in the nest.  The mother ran down the hose and joined her babies. 
"The next day," laughs Gail, "we got our first shop cat!"

Anonymous in Camas, Washington
My husband was sitting on the toilet and saw a mouse.  He screamed for Matty, our large Dalmatian rescue dog.   I pushed Matty into the bathroom, pulled the door shut, and safely stood on the other side.

At first, Matty was excited to be with my husband. Then Matty spotted the mouse!  He yelped and turned around, hit the levered-door handle, opened the door, and bolted out of the bathroom. It's a story no one tires of hearing at dinner parties!
Janetta in Cottage Grove, Oregon
My friend, Penny, was outside with her dog when she heard an odd little squeak.  She looked and looked for the source, then finally opened her dog's mouth. Unbelievably, the mouse was sitting on the dog's tongue with its paws over its eyes!

Another story I heard: A man caught a mouse in a humane trap inside and carried it outside to release it.   He didn't notice that his cats had ambled along behind him. When he opened the trap's door; the mouse tore out, did a U-turn, and headed straight back to the house into the waiting paws of several cats. 

Since then, every time the man leaves the house, the cats are right behind him waiting for brunch on the run.
Ellen in Vancouver, B.C., Canada

The first time our kitten, Puddy Tat, saw a mouse, the mouse and the kitten jumped a foot into the air in unison; and then they both flipped, turned in the other direction, and ran from each other.  They both disappeared out of sight.

The next time I saw Puddy Tat, he walked in the house demanding dinner, not realizing he had just missed out on a tasty morsel.
Adrienne in Connecticut
My son rescued a mouse from a cat.  We put the mouse in an aquarium that had a lid and added newspapers and a hard dinner roll.

The next day, the container was empty!  My son said, "Impossible!" lifted the lid, and then the hard roll. He immediately put the roll down and whispered, "It has babies."

Yes, I was a grandmother of a litter of field mice.  We kept the family until fall and then released them in the country. Hopefully, they all lived happily ever after!
Dr. Annette Simard in Cottage Grove, Oregon
When we purchased our farm house, it came with a refrigerator.  I opened it up, and a mouse ran out.  After that, I could not convince my cats that I did not keep mice in the refrigerator!
Trish in Cottage Grove, Oregon
Our previous home had white cupboards, white tile counters, and white floors. One day, I made spaghetti sauce, felt ill, so I went to bed. 
My husband promised to put the sauce away and clean up the kitchen, but he 'forgot.' 
In the morning, thousands of little red mouse foot prints all over the white counters, cupboards, and floors.  It sure wasn't funny at the time!
Ardith in Bremerton, Washington
One winter my teen daughter  trapped some mice and brought them in the house so they could survive!

She greased a plastic container's sides, so they couldn't climb up to the snapped-on-tight lid punctured with little breathing holes.  They were the cutest little things--seven pairs of eyes and ears lined up in the clear box waiting for their peanut butter dinner.
Then, in the morning, no mice!  But, there was a perfectly round hole in the lid!
We had just unloaded a pallet of several hundred salt lamps, weighing 2,500 pounds.  The mice skittered from lamp to lamp.  We carefully removed each lamp and caught all the mice in a paper towel tube! What a fiasco--just another day in Paradise.
The best natural, organic, and safe tip for ridding mice is cats.
Kitty Obit

Crying customers poured into the Bookmine and the Humane Society's This 'n' That Shop, upon hearing the sad news that Dickens, who was born with an over-size heart, passed from heart failure at five years of age.

Dickens' heart was too big in more ways than one. As was his famous namesake, Charles Dickens, Dickens was loved by many.  Dickens had a kind meow for everyone, and willingly accepted, with love, all that liked to pet cats. "He was also known for his funny antics and we  referred to him as the 'little dickens,'"shares Birdie.

Dickens spent his days napping between the two shops.  He would saunter down Main Street to the delight of tourists unaccustomed to seeing a cat comfortably walking on a downtown sidewalk.

"Dickens was a powerful ambassador," says Christy, a Humane Society volunteer, "He put a face on our efforts to help animals.  He is going to be missed by hundreds of his friends."

"Dickens' life was about quality, not quantity, of time," says Birdie. "He fulfilled his purpose and touched many lives.  That's a wonderful thing."

"His companion kitty, Opal, remains healthy and welcomes your condolences at the Bookmine," adds Gail.
Another funny Mouse story.
Five cats are delighted when a new chair arrives with a mouse hidden in it!
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