World Famous Piano Playing Cat!

Published: Wed, 06/19/13

Pet Tips 'n' Tales

Meow-zart, the Feline Virtuoso!
- Piano Playing Cat -

Courtesy photos by Burnell Yow©
Music teacher, Betsy with Nora, her four-year-old, North American
grey-bulls eye-tabby.  Nora is a world renowned piano-plinker.
And highly recognized on You-tube for her musical skills.


This next story will tune up your spirit with a happy tale! Most of us have cats who specialize in sleeping 20 of the 24 hours available in a day!  Not Nora! While most cats are cat-napping, Nora is up playing the piano!

Nora's life has spanned homelessness to world wide fame. Born a humble Alley cat, she has risen to her unique position on her own merits and ingenuity! Her journey illustrates what hours of dedication will do. Betsy and Burnell adopted Nora from a shelter, not knowing their new kitty's destiny! They carried their bundle of joy into their home, filled with their art and musical instruments, including two giant grand pianos, and five other cats.

Nora's rise to world recognition fell into place naturally as she chased her reflection on top of Betsy's shiny Yamaha grand piano.

One day, Betsy and Burnell were in their upstairs bedroom when they heard someone plunking away on the piano downstairs.

"Our other cats have walked on the keys, but this was different.  We were hearing repeated notes. 'Plink, plink, plunk, plink,'" explains Burnell.
They went downstairs and were surprised to discover one-year-old Nora sitting in perfect posture with her two paws on the piano.
"She sat there looking up at us with her beautiful green eyes, and began playing again." says Burnell.

Betsy adds, "We praised her, and she continued playing.  As musicians, the sight of a cat sitting at a piano playing had us both in awe and laughing.  At the time, we did not know that this was going to become her daily habit.  Some of Nora's solo concerts have gone on for longer than 15 minutes. She favors the sound of the high notes over the low ones, and can play more than one note at a time. It is funny seeing her playing duets with my students during their we say, "Practice makes purr-fect!""

Nora, plays without coaxing. It is the way this feline virtuoso focuses her skill so passionately that sets Nora apart from other cats. Maybe it was the 1950's song Alley Cat or the movie theme, The Pink Panther that inspired her? 
According to Betsy, "Nora's favorite tune is Bach Minuet in G., and after a year, she has not tired of playing the piano. Nora is temperamental, solitary, strong-willed, and thrives on attention, just like most famous classical composers. We are not sure what inspired her obsession with the piano.  Possibly, because cats are very sensitive to sound and vibration. Sometimes, Nora rests her head on the keys, as if she is feeling the vibration," reports Betsy. 

Betsy's observations are excellent, as scientists have proven that a cat's hearing is more sensitive than humans, so this may be exactly what Nora is doing.

How famous is Nora?  She has her own web page, face book fan club and myspace page. People write her from all over the world.  Yes, Nora can play the piano, but she can not type.  So don't expect a letter from her anytime soon!

Nora, has struck a musical chord world-wide, she redefines what cats are capable of as TV, radio and magazine reporters scramble to interview her.
Could Nora be composing? Possibly, A Catnap Sonata or The Bow-Wow Boggy?

Betsy and Burnell video taped their piano-playing cat to show her off to their skeptical friends and posted it on YouTube.  To date, 15,000,000 viewers have seen her video.

Nora has us wondering, what are other talented cats and dogs capable of, who are in shelters!  Tips 'n' Tales has reported on rescued shelter pet's saving their guardian's lives, but piano playing is a first!

There are a few problems that come with a cat in a music studio.  Nora climbs inside students' music bags and guitar cases.  Then she refuses to get out when the students want to put their instruments away. Also, some students' parents become irritated when Nora plays during their children's lessons. At this time, Nora has no plans to take her show on the road...she doesn't like car rides!

Listen to Nora Tickle the Ivories.
Watch her paw the 88's and 'Plink-Plunk' away!


Tip for pets desiring adoption: bat your beautiful eyes, or play with your new guardian's jewelry or long braid...your new parents will instantly fall in love with you as Betsy and Burnell did Nora.  All shelter pets have hidden talents, the most common one is love.
Mary Ellen and Miss Wings
Mary Ellen
Tips 'n' Tales Newspaper Columnist with Miss Wings

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