It Takes a Village To Save A Cat

Published: Wed, 04/01/15

Pet Tips 'n' Tales

Small Town Springs To Action
To Help Injured Pet

 ​Selfie by Linda and Biscuit

Linda discovered it "takes a village" to save a pet! Biscuit and Linda want to thank Cottage Grove’s loving and caring people.


"Cottage Grove’s visitor center enjoys helping residents and tourists discover our beautiful area’s seven covered bridges, lakes, rivers, hiking and biking trails, restaurants, hotels, and wineries, etc.," said the Chamber of Commerce’s Executive Director, Travis Palmer. "When asked for help our volunteers do what ever is possible, and they receive some unusual requests!

This spring, we were called by a woman who was desperately trying to reach the Vet clinic, for a pet emergency, but their phone line was not working so she called us for help.

Our volunteer, Suzy Kanich, answered the call. The pet’s owner, only identified as Linda, frantically asked, "Do you know if the vet clinic has another phone number or anyone who can help find one?" Suzy promised to help and began calling around town until she connected with Gail, co-owner of the Bookmine.

Gail promptly closed her and her sister, Birdie’s, store and drove to the vet clinic to relay Linda’s message. They then phoned Linda, who rushed her injured pet in to the clinic."

"When my, 8-year-old cat, Biscuit, arrived home, after an unexplained week absence, she was weak and thin. She couldn't eat or drink and she made a smacking lip noise - like my Grandma did when she left her teeth out. I was not sure Biscuit would last the night without medical intervention.

I desperately tried phoning Forest Valley Vet Clinic, but their phones were not working. I also called a few other businesses to see how far reaching the phone problem extended. Being a strong supporter of the Cottage Grove Chamber of Commerce, I called them for help. I identified myself as Linda and said that I was urgently trying to reach the vet clinic with a pet emergency.

The volunteer, Suzy, responded, "Let me work on it and I'll call you back". Now I know Cottage Grove is a small town but what happened next was to my way of thinking -unbelievable!

After several failed attempts to find an alternative number for the clinic, Suzy called Gail, at the Bookmine, who promptly closed her store, in the middle of the day! Gail then drove to the Vet clinic to relay my distress call. They immediately contacted me and I rushed Biscuit to the clinic.

The Vet discovered that Biscuit was missing a front tooth, which had dangerously abscessed, and she also had a cracked tooth. Biscuit spent the better part of a week in their ICU, ‘Important Cat Unit’. Due to her weakened condition, they kept her, watching and waiting, for her to stabilize. Luckily, she gained four ounces and her blood work improved. My ‘sweet’ Biscuit is one tough ‘cookie’ who is well on her road to recovery. Our best guess of how she sustained her injuries was that a deer had kicked her in the mouth. Ouch!

I believe that when you adopt a pet you take them for life, good or bad. I have four rescue cats, each with their own purrs-onalities and habits and wouldn't change them for … well … no ... not for anything. They are family and most families come with odd-idiot synchronicities.

Thank you to Suzy, the Chamber, and Gail who went above and beyond the call of duty. All they knew was that a pet was in distress and needed help. Neither knew that I am Linda Schmale, Past President of the Cottage Grove Area Chamber of Commerce! They would have reacted the same no matter who was on the other end of that call. I will never forget them and their eagerness to help. I wish to bestow on them an official "Hug" of thanks!

Surprisingly, Biscuit and I met Gail on a return vet visit while she was picking up one of her pets. So I formally introduced them. Small world! Our small town has great benefits!"

"In our community of 9,850 residents, each member is important," adds Travis. "Bookmine owners and sisters, Gail and Birdie, opened their unique store in 1975 after graduating from college. Their quaint and friendly store has been a downtown centerpiece for four decades. They are a long time Chamber member and their store is one of our community’s vital links. The ladies have their heart in our city and they consistently go above and beyond the call of most people.

Their latest act of kindness is an example of why they represent so much more than just a book, flower, and gift shop. They genuinely care for our community and their neighbors. As residents, we need to support and care for our neighbor owned businesses because they care for us - in ways that few people could ever imagine. What we support supports us, and shopping locally also saves a gasoline-investment trip to Eugene!"


"After a missing pet returns home," said Linda, "inspect them for paws-ible injuries and watch for subtle changes in their usual habits. Do your other pets treat them differently? Animals are sensitive to changes in those around them. Watch, listen and act accordingly to help."

- Prevent what is happening near Vancouver, B.C., Canada where 34,000 abandoned cats are multiplying - each day! Neuter and spay your pets!

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Swimming Cats - Millions of YouTube hits!

Mary Ellen, Pet Tips 'n' Tales Columnist's swimming cats!
and on Anderson Copper


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