Pet's Purrs-onal Physician!

Published: Wed, 06/10/15

Pet Tips 'n' Tales
Photo by Laurie Attridge
Dave and Blackie became 'family' on the most terrifying day of Blackies' life! When in trouble we pray for hope.

Luckily, Blackie  prayers were answered when rescued from certain death by his new purrs-onal physician, Dr. Dave Hope.
Pet's Purrs-onal Physician!
"I hope Blackie and my story inspires others," said Dr. Dave Hope,

"I was a practicing scientist and chemist and keenly interested in natural medicine and what makes the body 'tick'.  Fascinated, I devoured books on natural healing methods. My friends and I practiced on ourselves and our pets.  

A passion to help others led me into medical school.  I was shocked at the college's 'new' attitude.  The ways of the old family doctor were long gone, it was now all 'big business' and it took strength to get through it for the goal of helping future patients.

Cats are not old at 12, but are elderly in their 20's and I practice what I preach. My now geriatric cats are rescues who have lived healthy lives.  One, at 22 years of age, had a lush and shiny coat and was healthy until the day he died of a stroke.

Our pets, like us, are mammals and respond to healthy food, love and a special soul purr-puss.

My oldest cat, Blackie, is 25 years old. He resembles the little critters on Ghost Busters - with no tail and flat ears.

In 2004, when I was a medical student in Florida, I saw heartless teens outside treating a black cat like a football; chasing, kicking and hitting him with sticks.  I hollered at them, and as I ran to its rescue, their father yelled to 'mind my own business'.

I grabbed up the unconscious cat, and upon returning home had to amputate his tail and use surgical glue to reattach his ears.Understandably, Blackie was untrusting of humans, so he chose to heal on the safety of my porch. But soon he gracefully melded into 'our' inside kitty crew.

Then nine years ago, Sandy, arrived onto our porch - and stayed. Sandy and Blackie were instant family; life buddies - inseparable - bonded like Blackie's healed ears. If Blackie gets up to eat, Sandy follows him.  When Blackie moves to a different sleeping location, so does his shadow Sandy like an imprinted baby duck to his mother.

Today at age 25, (175 in cat years), Blackie is thin, on no medications, and still goes up and down stairs.

Our cats' homeopathic veterinarian advocates that they eat a raw diet. We noticed that fleas no longer bother them. As soon as they have any 'processed' food, fleas descend, in mass, over night.We only eat organic too. 

There is no reason for humans or pets to be force fed hidden chemicals that cause 'mysterious' health problems. 

We were not made to consume chemicals and it is food, not chemicals, that keep us healthy.  

Our cats thrive on raw organic hamburger and their twice a week treat is: a couple of ounces of raw chicken or cow liver blended with a little water, the homeopathic cell salt bio plasma, kitty amino acids, supplements and an ounce of Essiac tea goes into their "liver soup". They devour it with gusto. I occasionally give them Rescue Remedy.

Cats on a natural diet live to be over 20.

Your pet is your friend, not a house accessory. Our cats are our best buddies, we talk and play with them. In return, they don't beat up our furniture.

If you treat your animals with kindness, they carry this forward in their lives. If they urinate in a wrong location, it often means a bladder infection.

Most cats are like Pavlov's dogs, trained through repetition to hate vehicle rides because they 'only' ride to the veterinarian clinic.

My cat loves car rides. He sits on my lap, paws up on the window ledge, watching cows. When we say, "Cows!" he starts meow-howling at them. 

After a vet trip, we reward him with a treat and a ride over to see 'his' cows.

People are like pets and common sense goes a long way.I once had a mother bring in her 'motion sick child' who was on three medicines prescribed by a previous doctor.

The child's system was being poisoned by the chemical's side effects, and he was only sick in 'her' car; but not while riding a bike, his friends' cars, or on roller coasters. 

He obviously did not have motion sickness and was now sick from medications. 

Like a cat only riding to a vet office, this child had spent his life, in his mother's car, going for allergy shots. He was psychosomatically 'allergic' to her car. A counseling appointment,  cessation of medicines and the youngster was right as rain.

I also had a previously diagnosed 97-year-old Alzheimer patient whose daughter called concerned because her mother was slumped in a stupor drooling on herself.

Being a chemist, I recognized her medications and symptoms as a poisonous combination.  Once removed from the medications, the mother became alert and was cracking jokes!

I have learned that 'the doctor is not always right.' When you are not being 'heard', seek a second opinion. We all have instincts and a higher healing power. Listen to your inner child, play, say your prayers, expect healing - and you can live a longer and healthier life.

My cats aren't mighty hunters! When a little frog hops next to Sandy, he hops straight UP in the air and runs. But, you usually see our cats resting in the sun, side by side, with their little toad friends. I wish you and your pets a long and healthy life."

Information provided is shared from personal experience and for reference purposes only. It is not intended for use to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition, nor is it intended to substitute advice given by a physician, veterinarian, pharmacist, or other licensed healthcare professional. Always consult your physician/veterinarian.

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 John Smith

Tell Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe" and Myster E. your pet's story!
Famous Felines
Mary Ellen's Silver Persians swam their way into readers and viewer's hearts! They have appeared in International magazines and newspapers around the world. (France, England, Canada, China, Germany, USA, etc.)

Also, several National and International TV shows feature the swimming felines as they taught pet-water-safety.

Pet Tips 'n' Tales, my weekly newspaper pet column, has appeared in The Cottage Grove Sentinel in Oregon for 9 years.