Puppy Pet Mill Survivor

Published: Tue, 09/15/15

Pet Tips 'n' Tales
Mike and Karen are the proud pet parents of puppy mill survivor Minnie Pearl and her new brother, Taz.
Puppy Pet Mill Survivor
Who would know that we were innocently buying pets from pet stores, not realizing that they were a ‘cash crop’ from puppy mills - animals held prisoner, suffering in inhumane cages and conditions.

Puppies and kittens bought from animals bred continuously, to increase the financial profits for her uncaring human captures, are not healthy babies.  Their mothers are often bred to death, or when no longer ‘profitable’ put into a vehicle, driven to parts unknown and pushed out.  With no social or survival skills, their chances of surviving are nill.

NEVER ‘buy’ a pet on-line and pick it up from a parking lot, you may be supporting puppy/kitten mills.

Here is one traumatized survivor, Minnie Pearl’s, story.  For years, a puppy mill held her hostage.  Her ‘home’ was a two by two foot cage.  Other trapped animals were ‘housed’ above and below her.  When one animal relieved itself, all the animals below suffered the affects.

Not fed a quality diet, mill pets are unhealthy, lose teeth and die early. They are not socialized, walked etc. 

Often a mill animal can’t walk normally, their muscles are never given the chance.

Minnie appears much older than her real age; her teeth are gone, either from trying to bite her way out of the filthy cage, rotted from poor nutrition, or producing too many pups...or all three.

Minnie Pearl did not drink water from a bowl, she’d never seen a bowl. Instead, imagine Karen and Mike’s horror at holding up a water bottle, for mice and gerbils, before their dog would drink!

“The despicable mill operators were arrested,” said Karen. “The judge said, ‘You are forbidden to have any pets in our county.’ 

So what did they do after their one day in jail? They smirked at the judge, moved 30 minutes away, into the next county, and started up again. It’s sickening to know they acquired more animals and have restarted another furry concentration camp! 

I’d like to put disreputable breeders in a small cage to experience everything that goes with it. What they do is cruel. Pets have emotions and pain
Rescued dog crying tears of relief.

Minnie Pearl is so sweet, we will do what is right for her, she deserves it. Both my sons have passed so Mike and I consider our dogs our kids.

At first, Minnie could only eat soft foods, and had to be hand fed for three years. She had no idea how to potty outside because she had been limited to a cage. We took her outside every three hours to prevent accidents - for a year. Everything scared her including cats, rain and snow.

Typical of a mill pet, she had no idea how to play and from lack of exercise her legs are weak. When she attempts to play it does our hearts good. She gives kisses and loves rolling on her back for tummy rubs.

Bacon is her favorite food and when she smells it she gets super excited. She is so smart. Some people can’t read or write, but she can spell! She understands when we spell to hide what we are saying from her.  When asked if she wants water, food or to go outside, her tail answers with enthusiasm.

When Minnie was spayed, to avoid traumatizing her, we would not allow her to be put in a cage. Instead we held her, then waited during her surgery, and took her home to wake up.

When we take Minnie into pet friendly stores, she’s dressed in her hat with a price tag, just like her namesake the American country comedian who wore the same kind of hat while paw-forming. Store managers approach us smiling and say ‘Hi’ and if we leave her home on warm days, the clerks are always asking after her.

Recently Karen and Mike rescued Taz, a little brother for Mini, but who runs the show at Mike’s and Karen’s home these days? We had to wait until Minnie Pearl woke up on her own, so we could take the family photo - we were on Mini-minutes, but everyone understood.
“There is a vast difference between a TRUE and RESPONSIBLE breeder,” said Janetta Overholser, president of the Humane Society of Cottage Grove. 

“When you hear of a pet mill, report/expose them for the sake of the animals. Inform the police and humane society. We help our rescues with homeopathy (Rescue Remedy and Pet Calm) and hugs.”

Avoid Pet Mills.

- Do not rely on internet (often fake) photos.

- Visit the place of your pet’s adoption. Rescue groups/honest breeders welcome you.

- Never accept a shipped pet or meet at a random location (parking lot).

- Contact the breeder’s veterinarian.

- Visit dog shows and talk directly to breeders.

- Don’t buy a pet through a broker - go directly to the breeder.

- Don’t send payment via Western Union/money order.

- A ‘no refund’ policy is a puppy mill red flag!

- Get a written guarantee for the pet in case of illness/defect.

- Reputable breeders/rescue groups always take an animal back, regardless of reason.

- Adopt from a pet shelter. They want out of their cages too!

Adopt your next pet from here!   www.PetFinder.com
 John Smith

Do you have a heart warming or FUN-tasic pet tale!

Tell Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe" and Myster E.!
Famous Felines
Mary Ellen's Silver Persians have swam their way into readers and viewer's hearts! They have appeared in International magazines and newspapers around the world. (France, England, Canada, China, Germany, USA, etc.)

Also, they have appeared on National and International TV teaching water-pet-safety.

Pet Tips 'n' Tales, my weekly newspaper pet column, has run for 9 years in The Cottage Grove Sentinel.