Two Little Princess

Published: Tue, 11/03/15

Pet Tips 'n' Tales
Two orphan babies awaited their fur-ever home at a shelter. Romie, in front, is watching over her little sister, Rori.  From little Cinderellas, these two ended up living like princesses!
Two Little Princesses
“My house mate, Karen, and I were devastated when our cat died,” said Artemis. “We phoned Rude Ranch Animal Rescue Center - sobbing. Rude Ranch was featured on the same MUST LOVE CAT segment that your swimming cats were, Mary Ellen!

The owners, Bob and Kathy Rude, assuaged our broken hearts by promising to find us the purr-fect cat. (”
With happy anticipation, Karen and Artemis drove the 2 1/2 hours to their sanctuary.  Instead of coming home with one cat, they each ended up with a kitten, nicknamed the “Terror Twins.”

The girls were named after Princesses from Greek mythology: Andromeda (Romie) after King Cepheus’ beautiful daughter, and Aurora (Rori) after the Princess in “The Sleeping Beauty.”

The twins have the same fur color and shape and color of eyes, but that is where their twinness ends.  Romie’s back legs don't work so she has problems walking.  Also, she can't see out of one of her eyes.  The vet thinks that their mother may have had distemper.  Romie’s problems didn't emerge until a growth spurt at the age of one.  Thankfully, Aurora is handicap free.

Romi's chiropractor taught Karen and Artemis some unique and healing petting suggestions and beneficial kitty massages that she enjoys.  She talks all the time, and is an expressive cat. She has such an appreciation for life that each hurdle she's physically being presented with, they've found ways to clear it together.

She talks all the time, and is an expressive cat. She has such an appreciation of life that each hurdle she's physically being presented with, we've found ways to clear it together.

More than likely, the twins had different fathers because they are two different cat breeds. Rori is a proud long-haired Maine Coon and Romie is an elegant Egyptian Mau Mix. Egyptian Mau cats bond deeply and are devoted to one person.  Romie adores Karen so much that she looks at her as if she is a gift from God! It's adorable and easy to see why the Egyptians worshiped the cat, God Bast, and made hurting a cat a crime punishable by death. They understood cats!

Rorie is small, mighty and fluffy.  This little bundle of awesome loves to be kissed.  She'll jump up on a table or desk, walking back and forth, until she receives kisses from Karen and Artemis.  Or she'll crawl onto their chests, crane her neck up and then turn her head back and forth to have both sides kissed.

Like Rorie, Romi loves to play.  To accommodate her handicaps, Karen and Artemis slow down her toy fishing pole or her laser light.  They carefully monitor Romi’s breathing.  When  she exhibits any tired motions, they stop and move her to the couch for a cuddle.

Romie is the gentlest of animals.  While playing, if she accidentally bites or scratches, she immediately "kisses" Karen or Artemis in apology.

Romi, like Karen and Artemis, is a lover of sci-fi, the movie ‘Battleship’ and TV show ‘Zoo’ are her two favorites (no accounting for taste). When there is a shark movie on, or one with explosives or zombies, she runs over to the couch and cuddles with us.  Her curiosity makes her tilt her head in the cutest way, so she can see out of her "good" eye.

In Artemis Milchon’s newly published book, ‘The Last Dragon’  (, the heroine, Sally, is taken in by a group of refugees from another world and give her a real family for the first time, while the Clan Lords teach her how to see the best in herself.  Romi's done the same for Karen and Artemis.
Artemis explains, “Kathy was right.  She did find the purr-fect cat(s) for us.”
Potty Tips
“Since Romi is losing control of her rear half,” said Artemis, “Karen created a ‘handicapped’ assisted-litter box for her. Something to walk into, with no steps or walls, which is sturdy enough to hold her up, while she is busy ‘in de-box’.”

Karen initially tried cheap little plastic boxes, but they were too small.  Then they tried cardboard boxes that they treated with a waterproof spray and left to cure in the garage until the smell had dissipated. They then added a dog training pad and a little litter.

Once Karen and Artemis realized Romi couldn't walk on litter, they now only use a dog training pad inside the box.  One side of the box is cut off for Romi to walk directly into without having to step up. They keep the box in the corner of a room, so two of its sides are supported by the wall for her to lean up against.

Romi likes the dog training pads for two reasons: 1. her little-wobbly legs have no problem navigating them, and 2. they absorb smell which is the reason why cats bury their business in the first place.

Tall scratching posts can topple over when adult cats get wobbly on them while playing.  Position a smaller scratching post next to the larger one(s), so that a cat/kitten won't get a concussion or worse when jumping/falling from them.

Tell us about your awesome cat.

 John Smith

Tell Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe" and Myster E. about your awesome pet!
Famous Felines
Mary Ellen's Silver Persians swam their way into readers and viewer's hearts!

They have appeared in International magazines and newspapers around the world. (France, England, Canada, China, Germany, USA, etc.)

Also, several National and International TV shows featured the swimming felines teaching pet-water-safety.

Pet Tips 'n' Tales, my weekly newspaper pet column, has appeared in The Cottage Grove Sentinel in Oregon for 10 years.

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Angel Scribe,
PO Box 1004,
Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424