Rescuing a Fur Family

Published: Tue, 10/27/15

Pet Tips 'n' Tales
When Charlie and Jo lined up their camera-shy dogs, Abby and Amber, for their “five minutes of fame foto”, the reluctant dogs ‘flashed’ their eyes at the photographer! Charlie and Jo adopt their pure bred pets from shelters and their grateful animals pay them back with humor and love -- in spades.
Rescuing a Fur Family
My husband, Charlie, and I volunteered at an animal kill-shelter,” said Jo, “for five years.  Back then, we were ahead of today’s trend by taking photographs of adoptable animals and posting them on Petfinder and Craigslist! It took hours, but we saved hundreds of lives. I also forwarded the pure bred animals’ photos to their respective rescue groups, who would then foster the animals.

After I took the dogs’, cats’, and rabbits’ photos, I wrote funny things about them, even knowing that they were in dire straits, with no hope of rescue. Once I took a photo of three caged kittens, standing in a row, and titled it ‘Line dancing in the Cat House’.

The purr-pose was to make paw-tential pet parents smile, while reflecting on the animals’ plight. People often arrived at the shelter specifically because of an animal’s photo and description. These people had emotionally adopted the animal, in their own home, on line, before even arriving at the shelter.

When we realized what was happening to some wonderful pets, well, we ended up adopting five dogs and two cats.

We couldn’t idly stand by watching so many animals needlessly being ‘put to sleep’ - week after week.  Their euthanization felt like murder - especially when we ‘knew’ the animals and how special they were. 

Their demise was a toxic combination of lack of neutering and spaying producing many unwanted but incredibly loving pets....and a lack of adoptable homes, especially in this economy.

Regarding the creepy-cretins who run puppy/kitten mills, they throw away animals if they have to shell out for veterinarian charges. This adds to our over pet population burden. Charlie jokes, ‘You have to spay the people!’

It was startling witnessing all breeds of beautiful purebreds enter our pet shelter. We rescued Abby, a big black Bernese Mountain/Border Collie mix; Amber, a beautiful German Shorthair Pointer; Cooper, a Llewellyn English Setter and our comic cat, Cosmo.

At the time we had no idea that Cosmo was also a toss away purebred.  When Googling ‘long-haired gray cat’ we discovered his pedigree was a rare Nebelung, from Germany, similar to Russian Blue cats.

The first time I saw Cosmo in the cat room his personality stood out, but he was sickly. The last time I saw him he was coughing, looked awful, and was on the loading dock ready to go in the oven! I took him home to foster but he stole our hearts, so he has a purr-manent home here.

We named him after the actor who played Cher’s father in ‘Moonstruck’. Charlie is obsessed with Egypt, and with Cosmo’s ‘blue’ bloodline, so he nicknamed him Pharaoh Cosmoses after Pharaoh Thutmoses.

Cosmo hams it up by running along our hallway’s baseboard and then twanging the doorstop. His other ‘sport’ is swatting the dogs when they pass by him when he's up on a chair.

A brief history on our loving rescues shows the fate of many nameless pet orphans. Our dog, Abby, was thrown off the back of a truck. A witness took a photo of the license plate before taking Abby to a shelter.

Amber was found emaciated, starving in the woods. The shelter almost put her down. It took a month for her to regain her health.

Cooper was suffering from heart worms. Through private donations his treatment was paid, so we took him home as a foster. The minute our Golden Retriever spotted Cooper they were the best of buddies, they often fell asleep with their paws touching. We knew we could never break their bond.

Willie, another long-haired gray cat, had an abscessed eye and was discovered crying, begging for help, walking down his rescuer’s driveway.

Today, our shelter has a plather of purebreds: two great Pyrenees, two Cocker Spaniels, two Boxers, two German Shepherds, a Yorkie, Pomeranian, Papillon, Shitzu etc., all looking to be loved and give love.  Sadly some people don’t understand that God created animals to teach us love!

Mary Ellen, I'm glad you have this forum to teach the plight of animals, you're definitely their friend. We readers can’t thank you enough for all your work helping animals and may I say people too!”
-  “We joined other shelter volunteers,” said Jo, “and stood outside pet and food stores for food and money donations for our shelter. In the end, we had three vans full of food for the animals plus some donations.  Proving that one person can make a difference in a pet’s life!”

- If you have the skills, check whether your humane society needs photography and internet help listing rescues online, if they need foster homes, or old blankets and towels etc. Of course they always can use money to help with medical bills for strays like Willy.

- ICE In Case of Emergency - carry a PET HOME ALONE alert card in your wallet notifying authorities that your pets need care. Include the names and phone numbers of the people to notify in case of illness or injury. Design your own card and if paws-ible include your pets photos and names.

Dogdance Freestyle - Sandra & Lizzy's Ballet paw-formance
 John Smith
Share your pet with readers!

Tell Mary Ellen "Angel Scribe" and Myster E. your pet's FUR-tastic story!
Famous Felines
Mary Ellen's Silver Persians swam their way into readers and viewer's hearts! They have appeared in International magazines and newspapers around the world. (France, England, Canada, China, Germany, USA, etc.)

Also, several National and International TV shows feature the swimming felines as they taught pet-water-safety.

Pet Tips 'n' Tales, my weekly newspaper pet column, has appeared in The Cottage Grove Sentinel in Oregon for 10 years.

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Thank ^U^.
Angel Scribe,
PO Box 1004,
Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424